What To Grow In A Cut Flower Garden & How To Maintain It
Published: 16/01/2024 | Updated: 20/01/2024

Adding a cut flower garden is a fun and easy way to add color and life to your landscape design, but choosing the right flowers and maintaining them correctly can be difficult.
I'll walk you through everything you need to know about starting up this type of garden, including tips on growing flowers and when best to plant each kind of flower.
By the time we're done, you'll have all the knowledge needed for creating an amazing cut-flower garden!
When to plant your cut flower garden
The best time to plant flowers in a cut flower garden is in the spring. This is when you have plenty of time for your plants to grow, and the weather is still mild enough for them not to get damaged by frost or extreme heat.
Another great time to start planting is in the fall, before winter hits and freezes everything over. You can still enjoy your flowers (and possibly even harvest some), but they'll also be able to survive through whatever conditions come next year!
If you don't want an entire garden dedicated solely to growing cut flowers all year- or if you just don't have room- you could always try planting some during summer months too!
Just remember that these plants will need more water than usual since it's warmer outside.
What to grow in a cut flower garden
You can grow many different plants in a cut flower bed or garden. Some of the most popular choices include:
Chrysanthemums (mums)
Daisies and other members of the aster family, such as Queen Anne's Lace or Black-eyed Susans
Pinks, including Dianthus and Sweet William.
Here are more flowers from 10 of ShrubHub's favorite cut flowers:
1. Sweet Peas
Sweet peas are a good choice for growing a cut flower in the garden, as they're easy to grow and maintain. Sweet peas can be grown in pots or on the ground, but they do require regular watering while they're flowering.
Sweet peas are best planted in the spring once the soil has warmed up enough that frost won't damage the plants.
They should be planted at least 12 inches apart; if you have more than one variety of sweet peas, separate them by at least 6 feet so that pollen doesn't cross-pollinate between varieties (this will cause some seed pods not to form).
When harvesting your sweet peas after they've finished flowering (which should take place after about 4 weeks), cut all stems back down at least 2 inches from where they emerge from the ground or container.
This prevents new growth from forming on these lower stems which may result in wilting later on during hot summer months when moisture levels rise too high inside containers.
2. Queen Anne's Lace Herbs
Queen Anne's lace is a wildflower that grows in the United States. It's also known as a wild carrot and has been used for centuries by Native American tribes to treat pain and inflammation, among other things.
Queen Anne's Lace is a biennial plant that grows for two years before dying off (the flower seeds' second year being its flowering season).
The leaves look like ferns when they first emerge but then become flat once they've matured--they're sometimes called leatherleaf carrots or meadow rue because of this leaf shape!
Queen Anne's Lace flowers bloom from June through September with white umbels (clusters harvesting flowers) atop tall stems reaching up to three feet high, depending on location and weather conditions.
The taproot is long and thickened at one end--this helps support the plant so it doesn't fall over when mature bulbs begin forming at ground level underneath the soil surface.
3. Single Stemmed Sunflowers
Sunflowers are a great choice for cut flowers. They grow well in most climates, are easy to grow, and last a long time. Sunflowers also make beautiful arrangements!
If you want to plant sunflowers for cutting, choose varieties that have single stems with large heads (the flower part).
This will make them easier to cut and arrange as they won't be weighed down by leaves or branches like double-stemmed varieties would be.
4. Dahlia
Dahlias are hardy plants that can grow in many different climates. They have beautiful flowers and are a great cut flower and their blooms last for a long time, making them an excellent choice for your cut flower garden.
Dahlias are easy to grow from seed or plants but they do need full sun and well-drained soil, so plan on putting some time into preparing the right environment before you plant them!
5. Buttercup
The buttercup (Ranunculus) is a spring-blooming flower and it's easy to grow. Buttercups are best planted in the spring, but you can also plant them in late summer or early fall.
They thrive in full sun but will tolerate partial shade as long as their roots don't stay wet for too long. Buttercups prefer well-drained soil that isn't too rich with nitrogen fertilizer--just enough to keep the plants happy!
Plant your buttercups at least 6 inches deep so they can root properly. Water regularly while they're growing; allow the soil around them to dry out before watering again (but not too much!).
Once established, cut back on watering until fall when you'll want to start deadheading: pulling off old flowers and leaves from previous blooms so new ones have space and energy for themselves!
6. Roses
Roses are a beautiful addition to any garden. They come in a variety of colors and can be used for cutting, pollinating other plants, and as a general ornamental flower.
Roses are easy to grow, but they do require regular pruning to keep them neat and healthy.
7. Cornflower
Cornflower is a beautiful flower that is easy to grow, and it's also one of the easiest flowers to grow in your cut flower or vegetable garden.
Cornflowers are great additions to bouquets and they look lovely planted with other wildflowers such as harvest flowers such as bachelor buttons, daisies, and poppies.
If you're looking for an herb garden alternative, try planting some cornflowers instead of basil or mint!
8. Lily
Lilies are beautiful and versatile flowers that can be grown in many different climates. Their flowers come in a variety of colors, sizes, shapes, and blooms. They're also easy to grow!
Lily bulbs can be planted almost any time of year as long as the ground isn't frozen or waterlogged. The most important thing is to make sure you don't plant them too early (before the soil warms up) or too late (when temperatures drop below freezing).
If this happens your lily bulbs may not grow properly next spring when conditions are more favorable for them to flourish again.
9. Zinnias
Zinnias are one of the easiest flowers to grow and make for a great cut flower garden. They're also perfect for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds to flower gardens, which will help you enjoy them even more!
Zinnias can be grown from seed or cuttings, so you have options if you have limited space in your garden.
If you do choose to grow zinnias from seeds, wait until after the danger of frost has passed before planting them outdoors--this can be anywhere between mid-April and early June depending on where you live.
Once they're ready for transplanting into their permanent homes outside (or indoors), plant each seed about 1/2 inch deep into well-drained soil that has been enriched with compost or manure beforehand.
Water lightly once every other day until they come up; keep watering regularly after they appear above ground level but do not overdo it--too much moisture will cause root rot, killing off any young plants!
10. Tulips
Tulips are one of the most popular flowers for cutting. They are available in a wide range of colors and shapes, making them a great addition to any garden.
Tulips grow best in full sun and well-drained soil, but they can tolerate some shade. Plant tulips are at least 4 inches deep so they have enough room to grow their roots down into the soil once they're established.
You can start planting your tulip bulbs in early spring (April or May), depending on where you live, but it's important not to plant them too soon after the last frost has passed--the ground isn't warm enough yet!
If you wait too long after that point then your plants may not bloom until next year instead of this year!
How to maintain your cut flower garden
To maintain your garden, be sure to weed and water it regularly. Prune plants to encourage new growth, deadhead flowers that are fading or have fallen off of their stems (this prevents them from rotting), and remove any dead leaves or petals that may harbor disease-causing organisms.
Plant new seeds or seedlings every year so that you don't run out of flowers--and use mulch around the base of each plant to prevent weeds from taking over foliage plants.
A cut flower garden can be a beautiful addition to your property.
You can use the various cut flower gardens and flowers in many ways, including decorating your home or giving them as gifts.
We hope you enjoyed this list of what to grow in a cut flower garden. As always, if you want to learn more, you can visit our blog or check out shrubhub.com for a free consultation and a 70% discount on landscaping design services.