Design Advice

Discover inspiration and expert design advice and tips from the highly skilled team of horticulturists, landscape designers, landscape architects, hardscape designers, and contractors at ShrubHub.

Discover the Beauty of Coreopsis


Clematis Unveiled: Expert Advice for Stunning Vines


Unlock Your Garden's Full Potential With A Butterfly Bush

By Nicole Martinez

Discover the Beauty and Resilience of False Indigo

By Maged Ahmed

Astilbes: Nature's Answer to Drought-Resistant Landscaping!

By Mona Gamil

More Than Just Fall Flowers: Exploring Aster Varieties for a Year-Round Appeal

By Yasmin Yakout

Curtain Call Deep Rose Anemones: The Ultimate Growing Guide

By Sarah Wael

ShrubHub’s Guide to Starstruck Blue Star

By Maged Ahmed

Purple Haze Hyssop: A Gardener's Guide

By Olympia Laurent

A Step-by-Step Guide for Growing Healthy Foxgloves


The Daylily Diaries: Secrets to a Perennial Garden Paradise

By Olympia Laurent

Geranium: Which Varieties Are Best For Your Landscape

By Yasmeen Medhat

Garden Delights: The Allure of Phlox Flowers

By Mona Gamil

Pink Plumes: Elevating Gardens with Muhly Grass

By Olympia Laurent

A Symphony of Sunshine: Exploring the Diverse Colors and Forms of Marigold Varieties

By Yasmin Yakout

Blue Marvels: Maximizing the Potential of Plumbago

By Mona Gamil

Transform Your Garden with Stunning Red Yucca


Beyond Orange: Exploring the Colorful World of Butterfly Weed Varieties

By Yasmin Yakout

Petunia: The One Flowering Plant You Have to Get

By Yasmeen Medhat

Georgia Landscaping Ideas for Your Yard


7 Backyard Patio Ideas to Revamp Your Outdoor Sanctuary

By Sarah Wael