The Secret Method on How to Attract Birds to Your Yard
Published: 01/05/2023 | Updated: 09/09/2023
Any backyard must have birds. They offer both children and adults an educational experience as well as effective natural bug control through their lovely songs. Also, keeping track of how many different bird species you can let in your yard can be a lot of fun.

Even a modest garden near a city can have bird-friendly plants that easily draw birds, but the variety of species will grow as the garden gets bigger, more bird-friendly, and closer to the outdoors or heavily forested parks.
While some species, like nuthatches, are never far from old trees in their natural habitat, predators like sparrowhawks and tawny owls can be found well into some urban areas.
Many homeowners have a bird feeder or even a bird bath in their garden. Nevertheless, there is a lot more you can do to provide room for birds and enhance your property as a whole as a wildlife habitat. Are you interested in finding out how to get birds to visit your yard? We have the advice you require to set up a backyard birding haven.
The most important thing is to make sure that you can accommodate the fluctuating needs of both year-round inhabitants and transient tourists, as well as your birds' year-round needs.
While planting berries-bearing shrubs is beneficial to thrushes in the fall, they will soon rob the harvest. Hence, use your imagination. If you live close to a bulk fruit market, buy trays of subpar apples for them to eat after the berries' dense shrubs have been consumed. In the winter, fat blocks are crucial and draw swarms of starlings.
Nest boxes are useful for tits and other hole-nesters, and dense cover will draw nesting dunnocks, robins, and wrens. Tits and sparrows benefit from abundant bug populations during the summer.
Consider what you can do to improve your patch at that time of year if there are times when there aren't many birds in your garden. Be patient; activity usually increases as more birds develop a routine of visiting a garden over time. Keeping your feeders full is one of the best ways to guarantee that they return.
Feeding Birds: Feeders
Start by purchasing a nice bird feeder—or two—or three good bird feeders if you don't know how to attract birds to your hummingbird feeders themselves. This Perky-Pet feeder from Amazon is a high choice in our list of the top bird feeders. Bird feeders come in a variety of styles; some are hung from poles or tree branches, some are affixed to windows for close-up viewing, and others are set down on the ground.
You may attract a variety many species of birds all year long by using feeders that can hold various types of food. Certain birds require perches when obtaining food, while some items, such as nyjer (thistle) and suet, demand particular types of feeders. For instance, hummingbirds need particular nectar feeders.
Ground Feeders
Several birds graze for food on the ground, including cardinals, sparrows, juncos, and towhees. They will visit your yard more frequently if you install a covered ground feeder. Put it close to a canopy of trees or shrubs for protection, but don't cover it up. Keep it free of snow and ice throughout the winter and ensure sure the tube feeders from inside are kept dry.
Feeder Visibility
How do animals locate bird feeders? Obviously by sight! Due to their poor sense of smell, they are searching for recognizable forms of bird feeders. If your yard's offerings don't seem to be drawing them in, carefully assess the visibility and placement of your feeders. Also, make sure they're stocked with high-quality bird food too, such as a variety of seeds, nuts, grains, and dried fruit. To attract birds, you might even try scattering some nearby meal on the ground. It also helps to include additional necessities for them, such as water and shelter.
Keep Feeders Full
You must continue to fill your bird feeders, that much needs to be said. Bird visits will decrease if feeders aren't constantly refilled. This may lead to damaged or dead trees and stale feed, which may further deter birds from visiting your yard. As many bird species don't migrate throughout the winter, it's crucial to provide them with food when their usual forage is scarce during the chilly months.
Where to Put Feeders
Bird feeders must be placed in an open area where birds can discover them, even though they will welcome some adjacent shelter. Feeders should be placed far enough from cover to prevent squirrels from easily getting to them seed-eating birds, while still being close enough to trees and plants to provide shelter and safety.
Similar to this, natural cover should be near feeders so that birds have a place to hide from predators, but not too close so that it conceals hawks, snakes, raccoons, or foxes waiting to ambush birds at their food or water source.
Feeding Times
The time of day you fill the feeders is just as crucial as making sure they are always full. The majority of birds hunt early in the morning and late in the day. Make careful you fill bird feeders in the afternoon because birds, particularly in the winter, require energy to stay warm overnight. They're probably going to refuel at your feeders in the morning.
Refill the feeders in the early morning, or before dawn if you are an early riser. Alternatively, you can fill them up before you go to bed, although it might draw opportunistic guests like mice and raccoons.
Native Plants, A Bird's Bestfriend
A variety of birds will be drawn to your outdoor space throughout the flowering season if you design it with plants that are friendly to birds and bloom at various times of the year. Planting early bloomers will attract birds that will leave earlier in the summer while planting late bloomers will draw in birds that will leave a little later (or fall migrants arriving early). Of course, you'll also care for the birds living there.
Planting as many native trees, shrubs, and flowers is the best approach to attracting a wide range of birds to your yard. Throughout the years, the local birds have grown accustomed to and depended upon these plants. More native species of plants in your backyard, particularly those that bloom lavishly in the spring and produce berries to follow the blossoms, can not only attract birds and other wildlife but also encourage them to make your yard their permanent home.
Flower Power
Blooming plants offer a source of natural food and tempt birds to check out your feeder as a fallback. Orioles and hummingbirds adore tubular flowers like penstemon, coral bells, bee balm, and fuchsia. Birds appreciate the seeds produced by other flowers, such as sunflowers. Try honeysuckle, coneflower, and zinnias for examples of flowers that generate pollen. Don't forget to grow fruit-bearing plants as well. Brown thrashers, robins, thrushes, waxwings, woodpeckers, cardinals, towhees, and grosbeaks all adore cherry and plum trees, raspberry bushes, native trees and shrubs everywhere, and grapevines.
Try Adding Water Features
Installing a moving water feature in your garden is an easy, affordable, eco-friendly, and effective way to draw birds there. Put a floating water pump in the center of the birdbath, and lay tiny rocks around it to serve as perches and to keep it in place. If you want to do it yourself, all you need is a big plastic bucket, a lid, and a little pump to create your own "spring." Punch holes in the lid for the tubing and drainage back into the bucket, paint or decorate it as you like, and add small rocks or stones to the cover to make it look more natural. Moving water draws the bird's attention more quickly and guarantees that it is oxygenated and stays clean for longer than stationary water.
Provide Shelter
Certain birds (including bluebirds, sparrows, and chickadees) prefer the security, warmth, and natural shelter, of a bird box or bird house in addition to using vegetation to provide cover. To defend yourself from ground predators, mount your shelter on a post or tree trunk.
Make sure the entrance hole is only as big as the species you are trying to attract. This keeps bigger birds, like hawks, out and prevents the function of the different kinds of bird shelters you've installed to keep different species in your yard from being served.
Offer Nesting Sites
After learning how to draw birds in your yard, you'll need to figure out how to keep them there. Encourage birds to construct nests in your yard for one of the best ways to guarantee a steady stream of birds in your garden all year.
You can offer birds nesting materials in addition to establishing a hospitable environment full of options for food & shelter, bird-friendly vegetation, & dependable water supplies.
Just hang it for birds to find and fill an old feeder or suet cage or nest box with bits of small organic material. Grass trimmings, dried weeds, and leaves, and even pet hair, provide excellent nest-building materials. Also, because they are entirely made of organic material, they will naturally decay and prevent yard trash.
No Squirrels Allowed
Some enthusiasts want their bird feeders to be species-exclusive, meaning no squirrels are allowed. Invest in a squirrel-proof feeder if you'd rather prevent these cunning rodents from stealing your birdseed. Although there are many different styles and sizes of bird feeders, squirrel-proof feeder designs use materials that squirrels cannot damage or pass through.
Your bird feeder will be better protected if you baffle it or put it on a squirrel-proof pole. Safflower seed, nyjer seed, sunflower seeds, and white proso millet are excellent foods to put in bird feeders since they attract birds yet repel squirrels.
Protect Your Plants
Planting cover that gives birds a sense of security will draw them to your yard. Including berry-producing trees and bushes like bayberry, winterberry holly, chokeberry, American beautyberry, serviceberry, and crabapple that offer protection and nourishment all year long. Have you ever questioned why birds aren't visiting your feeder? Your bird feeder may be overly exposed, then. For the cover, landscape your yard with trees and plants. Conifers serve multiple purposes by offering tree sap, cover, winter refuge, and nesting locations.
Figure Out What Your Local Ecosystem Likes
Look to the birds for advice on how to get birds to visit your yard. Keep a watch on the birds in your yard to learn when they visit, where they spend their time, and which bird baths and meals they prefer. Every species of bird, bird, and environment is unique. After that, you can gradually modify your arrangement to maximize the birding potential of your yard.
The Most Important Trick, Get Started!
Attracting birds to your yard is a lot simpler than it seems to be once you get used to it. However, a little help never hurt anyone! Shrubhub.com can help you design your yard using advanced 3D technology so you can create your specialized bird haven. From plant suggestions with our free plant consultation to full backyard renovations! Contact them now & get 70% off your design.