Cat Friendly Garden Ideas To Make Your Yard Safe and Inviting
Published: 24/01/2023 | Updated: 29/03/2023
If you're a cat lover, you'll want to make your garden as cat-friendly as possible for you. By adding a few features, you can make your garden an enjoyable place for your feline friend to spend time in. Here are some cat-friendly garden ideas to get you started.

Introducing your garden to your cat
Introducing your garden to your cat can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your beloved pet. By providing a safe and fun outdoor space for your cat to explore, you can help them to get the exercise and stimulation they need, while also enjoying the sights and smells of the great outdoors.
There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a garden for your cat. Firstly, make sure that the garden is enclosed by a fence or other barrier, as cats are natural climbers and may try to escape if left unsupervised. You'll also want to make sure that there are plenty of places for your cat to hide and explore, as they love to hunt and play. Adding a few climbing trees or a scratching post can help to keep your cat amused for hours.
Finally, be sure to provide plenty of fresh water and food, and keep an eye on your cat to ensure their safety. With a little bit of preparation, you can create a wonderful garden for your feline friends to enjoy.
Keeping your cats safe
If you're reading this article, you probably enjoy having a garden where your cat can roam and explore. However, it's important to be aware of the dangers that your garden may present to your cat. Here are a few tips on how to keep your garden safe for cats:
1. Fence off any areas of the garden that are dangerous, such as ponds, cliffs, or areas with poisonous plants.
2. Use deterrents to keep cats away from plants that may be poisonous, such as citrus peels, vinegar, or chili peppers.
3. Provide plenty of shady spots and places for your cat to hide, such as under a tree or a garden bench.
4. Keep a close eye on your cat when they're in the garden, and make sure they always have access to fresh water and food.
5. If you have a garden pond, make sure to install a sturdy cover that your cat can't jump or climb over.
Give them plenty of water
Providing your cats with plenty of fresh water is essential, as it helps them stay hydrated and healthy. Make sure to provide plenty of fresh water and food for your cat. This can be done by placing a bowl of water and food in a designated area of the garden, or by installing a pet feeder and water fountain.
Top tip: You can make your garden more litter-friendly by placing a litter tray in a shady spot, filling it with sand or straw, and putting a scratching post nearby.
Create a cat playground
There are several ways to make your garden cat-friendly. One is to provide a designated area for your cat to scratch and play. You can do this by placing a scratching post in the garden, or by creating a small scratching area using some logs or a piece of chicken wire, in addition to including a variety of toys to keep them amused. This will make your garden a haven for cats and will keep them coming back for more.
Another way to make your garden cat-friendly is to provide a place for your cat to hide and nap. This can be done by creating a small, shaded area using a garden bench, or by planting a few shrubs in a corner of the garden.
There are plenty of ways to keep your cat entertained in the garden, some fun ideas include:
Setting up a scratching post or a tree branch for them to climb.
Leaving out a few toys for them to play with.
Placing a perch in a sunny spot so they can sunbathe.
Top tip: Make sure to keep an eye on your cat while they're playing in the garden, and be prepared to bring them inside if it starts to rain or gets too hot!
A bird's eye view
Have you ever noticed that cats love to sit in high places where they can observe everything around them? This is because sitting up high makes them feel safe by enabling them to look out for danger and escape when they feel threatened. Providing high places like ledges, shelves, tables, benches, an elevated cat house, and even trees will offer a welcome refuge for your cats and help keep you cat safe.
Provide a cat latrine
Felines are typically very clean creatures and, given the choice, cats prefer to relieve themselves outside at a location apart from other resources like food and water.
Therefore, we must give them a pleasant outdoor space to use for this purpose, especially if we don't want to give them a litter box inside. Your cat can relieve themselves in a cleared area with sand, wood chippings, or loose earth.
Top tip: Your cat may have a preference when it comes to which "substrate" they want to relieve themselves in, so try a few sample areas before committing to one of them.
Garden plants that are safe for cats
Cultivate plants that are safe for cats are those that are non-toxic. Some common plants that fall into this category are African violet, aloe, baby's breath, begonia, Boston fern, caladium, carnation, chrysanthemum, cyclamen, daisy, English ivy, geranium, hibiscus, impatiens, ivy, Jacob's ladder, ivy, Johnny-jump-up, lavender, lemon balm, lilac, marigold, mint, moss, nasturtium, pansy, petunia, philodendron, rose, sage, salvia, Snapdragon, spider plant, sweet alyssum, ti plant, verbena, and wax begonia.
Avoid toxic plants
Many cats are curious creatures that love to explore their surroundings. This can sometimes lead them into trouble, as they may come across plants that are toxic to them and can cause serious health problems. As you create a cat-friendly garden, you'll want to take note of a few plants to avoid.
1. Lilies: Lilies are one of the most toxic plants for cats. They can cause kidney failure in cats, even in small doses. Symptoms of lily poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive thirst.
2. Oleander: Oleander is a highly toxic plant that can cause heart failure in cats. Symptoms of oleander poisoning include drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea.
3. Azalea: Azaleas are another highly toxic plant for cats. They can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy in cats.
4. Castor Bean: Castor beans are extremely toxic to cats. They can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and even death.
5. Yew: Yews are highly toxic to cats and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures.
Important: If you think your cat has ingested a toxic plant, call your veterinarian immediately.
By following these tips, you can create a garden that not only your beloved pet but all other cats will love. Not only will your cats be happy, but you'll also get to enjoy watching them play in the garden!
Got a few cat-friendly garden tips of your own? Get help making your cat garden a reality with Shrubhub's team of expert landscape designers!