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Arborvitae Trees

Angel Face Floribunda Rose

Rosa 'Angel Face'

11 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
Arborvitae Trees

Angel Face Floribunda Rose

Rosa 'Angel Face'

11 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges



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Why Angel Face Floribunda Rose?

The Angel Face Floribunda Rose is a popular choice for gardeners and landscapers due to its stunning lavender-purple blooms that appear in clusters throughout the growing season. This rose variety is also known for its disease resistance, making it an easy to care for plant. Its compact size and ability to thrive in both full sun and partial shade make it a versatile addition to any garden.

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The Angel Face Floribunda Rose requires full sun exposure, preferably at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day to thrive and produce abundant blooms.

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Angel Face Floribunda Roses have a moderate watering requirement. They need to be watered thoroughly and deeply, ensuring that the soil is consistently moist but not waterlogged. It is recommended to water them at least once a week, providing around 1 inch

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The fertilizer requirement for Angel Face Floribunda Rose is a balanced rose fertilizer with a ratio of 10-10-10 or 12-12-12. It is usually recommended to feed the rose plant with fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

The captivating Angel Face Floribunda Rose – a vision of pure elegance that will grace your garden with timeless beauty! This enchanting rose thrives in full sunlight and well-drained soil, making it ideal for gardens in USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9. Its delicate aesthetic features large, lavender blooms that exude a sweet fragrance, creating a romantic and serene atmosphere that will transform any outdoor space.
Maintaining the Angel Face Floribunda Rose is a breeze, with regular watering and pruning to encourage healthy growth and continuous blooming. This rose variety is highly disease-resistant and can withstand various weather conditions, ensuring a long-lasting and vibrant display in your garden. Its compact form and abundance of blooms make it perfect for landscape designs, including cottage gardens, or as a charming border plant.
Not only does the Angel Face Floribunda Rose mesmerize with its beauty, but it also attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies, ensuring a thriving ecosystem and a garden buzzing with life. Fun fact – did you know that roses have been beloved by humans for centuries, symbolizing love, beauty, and passion? The Angel Face Floribunda Rose carries on this tradition, adding a touch of romance and enchantment to any garden.
Indulge in the grace and allure of the Angel Face Floribunda Rose. Its exquisite color, delightful fragrance, and ease of maintenance make it a cherished addition to any garden. Plant this radiant rose and let its blossoms transport you to a world of elegance and tranquility. Fall in love with the Angel Face Floribunda Rose – the epitome of floral perfection.

Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Rosa 'Angel Face'
USDA Zones: 6-9
Water: Moderate
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Needs: Well Drained Soil
Mature Height: 3 - 4 feet
Mature Spread: 3 - 4 feet
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Pollination Info

Pollination Info for Angel Face Floribunda Rose (Rosa 'Angel Face')

The Angel Face Floribunda Rose (Rosa 'Angel Face') is a cultivar of the species Rosa multiflora and belongs to the family Rosaceae.

Pollination Type

The Angel Face Floribunda Rose is a self-pollinating plant. This means that the plant has the ability to fertilize itself without the help of an external agent such as a pollinator.

Blooming Season

The Angel Face Floribunda Rose blooms in the summer months, from June to August.


Although the Angel Face Floribunda Rose is self-pollinating, it can be more productive if pollinators such as bees and butterflies visit the flowers. These insects help in cross-pollination and increase the genetic diversity of the plant.

Pollination Benefits

The pollination of the Angel Face Floribunda Rose helps in the production of seeds and fruits. It also promotes genetic diversity, which is important for the overall health and resilience of the plant population.


Angel Face Floribunda Rose FAQ

General Information

  • What is Angel Face Floribunda Rose?
    Angel Face Floribunda Rose (Rosa 'Angel Face') is a hybrid tea rose cultivar renowned for its purple shade, large, ruffled blooms, mild fragrance, and strong disease resistance.
  • What makes Angel Face Floribunda Rose unique?
    It is not only the unique lavender-purple color but also the medium size of the flowers that make Angel Face Floribunda Rose unique. The petals are well-formed and very ruffled.
  • When does Angel Face Floribunda Rose bloom?
    Angel Face Floribunda Rose blooms from early summer to late fall and produces clusters of up to 5 blooms per stem.
  • What is the hardiness zone for Angel Face Floribunda Rose?
    Angel Face Floribunda Rose is hardy in USDA Zones 6-11.

Planting and Care

  • How do I plant Angel Face Floribunda Rose?
    You can plant Angel Face Floribunda Rose in a well-drained area with full sun exposure, at least 6 hours per day. The soil needs to be fertile, slightly acidic (pH 6.0-6.5), and enriched with organic matter.
  • How do I water Angel Face Floribunda Rose?
    Water Angel Face Floribunda Rose regularly to keep the soil consistently moist but not overly saturated. Avoid getting water on the leaves, and do not allow the soil to dry out completely.
  • When should I fertilize Angel Face Floribunda Rose?
    Fertilize Angel Face Floribunda Rose once a month during the growing season using a balanced fertilizer. Stop fertilizing in late summer to encourage the plant to harden off before winter.
  • How do I prune Angel Face Floribunda Rose?
    Prune Angel Face Floribunda Rose in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Remove any dead or damaged wood and cut back the remaining stems to 1/3 of their height. Remove any vigorous growth from the base of the plant.
  • How do I deal with pests and diseases?
    Angel Face Floribunda Rose is generally resistant to common pests and diseases but can be susceptible to black spot, rust, or powdery mildew. Regularly inspect the plant for signs of disease and treat immediately with an appropriate fungicide.


  • How can I propagate Angel Face Floribunda Rose?
    Angel Face Floribunda Rose can be propagated by cuttings or by budding onto a suitable rootstock. Take cuttings in early summer, dip them in rooting hormone, and plant them in a well-drained potting mix. Keep the cuttings moist and warm until they produce roots.
  • How long does it take for Angel Face Floribunda Rose to grow to maturity?
    Angel Face Floribunda Rose typically takes 2-3 years to grow to maturity.


  • What are some common uses for Angel Face Floribunda Rose?
    Angel Face Floribunda Rose is commonly used as a cut flower in floral arrangements, as a hedge or accent plant in gardens, or as a container plant on a patio or balcony.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Angel Face Floribunda Rose (Rosa 'Angel Face')

The Angel Face Floribunda Rose is a stunning variety with fragrant lavender blooms that complement its dark green foliage. Here are some tips on how to plant and care for this beautiful plant:


  • Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil.
  • Dig a hole that is twice as wide and as deep as the pot your rose came in.
  • Mix in some compost and a slow-release fertilizer with the soil you removed from the hole.
  • Remove your rose from its pot and gently loosen the roots before placing it in the hole.
  • Backfill the hole with the amended soil, making sure to tamp it down firmly around the roots.
  • Water your rose deeply after planting.


  • Water your Angel Face rose regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  • Mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Fertilize your rose in the spring and again in the summer with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Prune your rose in late winter or early spring to remove any dead or diseased wood, as well as to shape the plant.
  • Deadhead your rose regularly to promote new blooms.
  • Protect your Angel Face rose from pests and diseases by keeping it healthy and maintaining good air circulation around the plant.

With proper planting and care, your Angel Face Floribunda Rose can provide you with years of beauty and fragrance in your garden.

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Josephine D.

I ordered the Angel Face Floribunda Rose and it exceeded my expectations. The roses were fresh and beautiful. The customer service was friendly and helpful. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone looking for a gorgeous addition to their garden.

Harvey D.

I love my Angel Face Floribunda Rose! It adds a touch of elegance to my garden.

Karen O.

The shipment was timely and the rose was securely packaged. Very satisfied.

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