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Arborvitae Trees

Krossa Regal Hosta

Hosta x 'Krossa Regal'

11 reviews

Arborvitae Trees

Krossa Regal Hosta

Hosta x 'Krossa Regal'

11 reviews

  • Tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions
  • Low maintenance plant that requires minimal care
  • Attractive blue-green leaves create a striking focal point in the garden
  • Ships in 3 to 7 days
  • Free Shipping Over $150
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Why Krossa Regal Hosta?

Krossa Regal Hosta is a beautiful hosta cultivar that is valued for its striking, blue-green foliage and large size. It can grow up to 3 feet tall and 6-8 feet wide, making it a great choice for adding texture and drama to shady garden areas. Krossa Regal Hosta is also known for its tall, upright habit and lavender flowers that appear in mid- to late-summer.

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Krossa Regal Hosta requires partial to full shade and prefers indirect sunlight.

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Moderate watering is typically recommended for Krossa Regal Hosta. It prefers consistently moist soil, but not waterlogged conditions. Regular watering, allowing the soil to dry slightly between each watering, is generally sufficient to meet its watering r

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Krossa Regal Hosta requires a balanced fertilizer rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It benefits from regular feedings during the growing season, typically every 4-6 weeks, to promote healthy foliage growth and overall plant vigor.

Experience Majestic Beauty with Krossa Regal Hosta

Elevate your garden to a new level of elegance with Krossa Regal Hosta! This exceptional perennial plant is here to add a touch of majestic beauty and grace to your outdoor space. With its captivating charm and numerous benefits, Krossa Regal Hosta will leave you mesmerized!

Prepare to be enchanted by the regal beauty of Krossa Regal Hosta. Its large, elongated coarse leaves fill the air with an aura of sophistication and elegance in any garden or landscape. Whether planted in groups or as a standalone specimen, the striking purple shades foliage color of Krossa Regal Hosta will make a lasting impression.

With Hosta Krossa Regal, you can enjoy beauty without the hassle. This perennial plant is known for its low maintenance requirements, making it an excellent choice for both experienced gardeners and beginners. Spend less time tending to your plants and more time admiring the magnificent display of Krossa Regal Hosta in your garden.

Krossa Regal Hosta thrives in various garden settings and climates. This versatile plant adapts easily, Whether in full, partial, or even dappled sunlight. In addition, it is known for its exceptional durability, resilience, and its slug-resistant lavender flowers. Krossa Regal Hosta will withstand heat, humidity, and even drought, ensuring its beauty stands the test of time.

Get ready for a showstopping floral display! Krossa Regal Hosta produces tall flower stems that rise above the foliage, adorned with delicate lavender or white blooms. These elegant flowers add a layer of beauty to your garden and attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, for a more vibrant and dynamic outdoor space.

Create a serene oasis with the calming presence of Krossa Regal Hosta. The gentle, arching leaves and the overall form of this plant provide a sense of tranquility and peace in your garden. Whether placed near a seating area or showcased near a water feature, Krossa Regal Hosta will enhance the peaceful atmosphere of your outdoor sanctuary.

Order today and let the majestic beauty of Krossa Regal Hosta reign over your garden! Don't miss out on the opportunity to add a touch of elegance and grace to your outdoor space.


Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Hosta x 'Krossa Regal'
USDA Zones: 3-8
Water: Moderate
Exposure: Full Shade
Soil Needs: Well Drained
Mature Height: 3 feet
Mature Spread: 3 - 6 feet
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Pollination Info

Pollination Information for Krossa Regal Hosta

Krossa Regal Hosta (Hosta x 'Krossa Regal') is a perennial plant that belongs to the family Asparagaceae. It is a popular ornamental plant, grown mainly for its attractive foliage and flowers. The plant has a clumping habit and can grow up to 3 feet wide and up to 4 feet tall. The leaves are blue-green, large, and heavily textured, making them resistant to slugs and snails.

The flowers of Krossa Regal Hosta are lavender-colored and appear on tall scapes in mid-summer. The plant is self-sterile, which means that it cannot produce viable seeds when self-pollinated. Therefore, cross-pollination is necessary for seed production.

The pollinators that visit Krossa Regal Hosta include bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. These pollinators are attracted to the plant's nectar-rich flowers. The transfer of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of the flower results in fertilization, which leads to the production of seeds.

To promote pollination and increase seed production, it is recommended to plant Krossa Regal Hosta in groups rather than as solitary plants. This increases the chances of cross-pollination since there are more flowers available for pollinators to visit. Additionally, planting other hosta varieties nearby can also increase the chances of pollination.


Krossa Regal Hosta (Hosta x 'Krossa Regal') FAQ

  • What is Krossa Regal Hosta?

    Krossa Regal Hosta is a perennial flowering plant that is part of the Hosta genus. It is a hybrid plant, developed from cross-breeding different wild Hosta species. It is known for its large, ribbed leaves that grow in a vase-like shape.

  • What are the characteristics of Krossa Regal Hosta?

    Krossa Regal Hosta is a relatively low maintenance plant that is highly tolerant of shade and mild drought conditions. Its long, blue-green leaves can reach up to 14 inches in length and 10 inches in width. It produces tall, branching spikes of lavender or pale blue flowers in mid-summer. It has a clumping pattern, and special attention should be given to ensuring enough space is provided for proper growth and expansion.

  • How do I care for Krossa Regal Hosta?

    Krossa Regal Hosta requires regular watering and well-draining soil. It prefers to grow in partially shaded areas, and direct or prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to scorching of the leaves. To prevent this, it is advisable to regularly add a layer of mulch to the soil around the plant. Additionally, annual fertilization using a balanced formula can promote healthy growth and blooming. Finally, it is advised to regularly prune and remove any dead or yellowing foliage to encourage new growth.

  • Can Krossa Regal Hosta be grown in containers?

    Yes, Krossa Regal Hosta can be grown in containers. However, it is important to select a container which is large enough to accommodate the plant's root system and allows for adequate drainage. The container should also be placed in a shaded or partially shaded area, and potting soil should be well-aerated to promote growth. It is important to note that container-grown plants may require more frequent watering than those grown in ground soil.

  • Is Krossa Regal Hosta invasive?

    No, although it can form large clumps over time. Krossa Regal Hosta is not invasive, but it can spread through underground runners, though not to a worrisome degree. Because of this, it is important to provide proper space when planting and regularly prune any excess growth to prevent overcrowding.

Planting & Care


1. Choose a location with partial to full shade (preferably morning sun and afternoon shade). 2. Prepare the soil by adding organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. 3. Dig a hole that is slightly larger than the root ball of the Krossa Regal Hosta. 4. Place the plant in the hole and backfill with soil. 5. Water thoroughly.


1. Water regularly, especially during the first growing season. 2. Mulch around the plant to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. 3. Fertilize in early spring with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. 4. Remove any damaged or dead leaves as they appear. 5. Divide the plant every 3-5 years to keep it from becoming overcrowded. Krossa Regal Hosta is a low-maintenance plant that adds beauty to any shady area. With proper planting and care, it will thrive and delight for many years to come.

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Gert B.

Website was easy to navigate and ordering process was smooth.

Sandy K.

Overall, I'm very pleased.

Jeanne R.

The hosta looks stunning in my garden. Slight shipping delay but worth it.

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