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Arborvitae Trees

Empress Wu Hosta

Hosta 'Empress Wu'

10 reviews

Arborvitae Trees

Empress Wu Hosta

Hosta 'Empress Wu'

10 reviews

  • Large, impressive foliage that can reach up to 3 feet in height and width
  • Tolerant of various growing conditions including sun or shade
  • Dramatic purple flowers that bloom in late summer
  • Ships in 3 to 7 days
  • Free Shipping Over $150
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Why Empress Wu Hosta?

Empress Wu Hosta is a striking and large-leaved perennial plant that can grow up to four feet tall and six feet wide, making it a great addition to garden borders or as a focal point in a landscaping design. Its deep green leaves with pale undersides and its clusters of lavender flowers in the early summer make it a beautiful plant to behold. It is also relatively low-maintenance and can thrive in both sun and shade.

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Empress Wu Hosta prefers partial to full shade and requires protection from direct sunlight.

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Empress Wu Hosta requires regular watering, particularly during hot, dry periods. The soil should be consistently moist but not overly saturated to prevent root rot. Adequate drainage is essential to ensure the plant's health and prevent waterlogging.

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The fertilizer requirement for Empress Wu Hosta is generally low. It prefers a well-draining soil enriched with organic matter during planting, and a balanced slow-release fertilizer can be applied in the spring to support healthy growth.

Imagine your garden as a realm of regal beauty, with leaves that unfurl like the robes of a majestic empress, creating an atmosphere of grace and splendor. Enter the scene, the Empress Wu Hosta – a botanical treasure that commands attention and adds a touch of grandeur to your outdoor sanctuary. Let its royal presence transform your garden into a regal haven.


The deep green hues of this plant’s leaves create a lush carpet of elegance. The Empress Wu Hosta's foliage is a testament to its namesake, each leaf a symbol of grandeur and poise. Its appearance evokes a sense of serenity and strength, bringing a touch of majesty to your garden.


While the hosta is known for its foliage, the Empress Wu surprises with its stately blooms. Imagine flower spikes that rise like scepters, adorned with clusters of lavender or white blossoms fit for a queen's court. The effect is like a royal procession, adding a layer of sophistication to your garden's canvas.


Love wildlife? This Hosta makes the perfect host as it offers the added benefit of being a sanctuary for delicate visitors like butterflies and bees. Its lush leaves and nectar-rich blooms become a haven for these enchanting creatures, turning your garden into a flourishing paradise for nature's most graceful inhabitants.


Gardening enthusiasts of all levels will appreciate Empress Wu Hosta's ease of care. It thrives in partial shade and well-drained soil, bestowing you with its elegance without demanding excessive attention. With minimal effort, you'll witness your garden's transformation into an imperial retreat.


Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Hosta 'Empress Wu'
USDA Zones: 3-9
Water: Moderate
Exposure: Full Shade
Soil Needs: Well Drained
Mature Height: 3 - 4 feet
Mature Spread: 5 - 6 feet
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Pollination Info

Pollination Info for Empress Wu Hosta

Empress Wu Hosta (Hosta 'Empress Wu') is a sterile cultivar, which means it does not produce viable seeds and requires vegetative propagation to reproduce. It does, however, require pollination for its flowers to develop and contribute to the plant's overall health and vigor.

Empress Wu Hosta blooms in mid to late summer, producing lavender-colored flowers on tall scapes that can reach heights of up to 5 feet. The flowers are hermaphroditic, meaning they contain both male and female reproductive organs.

The flowers are pollinated by various insects, including bees, butterflies, and moths, which are attracted to the sweet nectar produced by the flowers. Once a pollinator lands on the flower to gather nectar, it unintentionally brushes against the anthers, picking up pollen in the process.

The pollen is then transferred to other flowers as the pollinator moves from one plant to another, completing the pollination process.

Overall, while Empress Wu Hosta does not produce viable seeds, pollination is still important for the plant's growth and overall health.


Empress Wu Hosta (Hosta 'Empress Wu') FAQ

What is Empress Wu Hosta?

Empress Wu Hosta (Hosta 'Empress Wu') is a large-sized hosta plant that was named after the only female emperor in China's history, Empress Wu Zetian. This hosta was introduced in 2008 and is considered to be one of the largest hosta plants available with its massive green leaves that can grow up to 1 meter in width and height.

What are the features of Empress Wu Hosta?

The Empress Wu Hosta has dense clumps of green leaves that have deeply impressed veins. The leaves are slightly cupped with a slightly deep wave and fold back slightly along the midrib. They are also shiny and leathery to the touch.

How big does Empress Wu Hosta grow?

The Empress Wu Hosta can grow up to 1 meter in width and height with its massive green leaves that cascade outward in a fountain-like manner, offering a touch of elegance to any garden or landscape. The plant can also develop a full height of about 4 feet.

What are the growing requirements for Empress Wu Hosta?

Empress Wu Hosta prefers to grow in moist, well-drained soil in a shaded area with protection from wind and direct sunlight. It can tolerate some sun exposure but performs best in partial to full shade. The soil should be kept consistently moist to help the plant thrive.

What are the benefits of growing Empress Wu Hosta?

Aside from providing a touch of elegance to your garden or landscape, growing the Empress Wu Hosta can also help improve air quality, reduce soil erosion, and regulate soil temperature. Moreover, the plant is known for its ability to repel pests and restore disturbed soils.

What are some tips for growing Empress Wu Hosta?

  • Plant the Empress Wu Hosta in a shaded, moist area with well-draining soil.
  • Water regularly to keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  • Use mulch to help regulate soil temperature and retain moisture.
  • Divide the plant every few years to prevent overcrowding and encourage better growth.
  • Protect the plant from snails, slugs, and other pests that may damage the leaves.

Planting & Care

Planting Empress Wu Hosta

- Choose a planting location that receives partial to full shade.

- Prepare soil by adding organic matter, such as compost or aged manure.

- Dig a hole that is twice as wide as the hosta's root ball and slightly deeper.

- Place the hosta root ball in the hole and backfill with soil.

- Water thoroughly.

Caring for Empress Wu Hosta

- Water regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

- Mulch around the base of the plant to retain moisture and deter weeds.

- Fertilize annually in the spring with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer.

- Divide the plant every few years to prevent overcrowding and improve overall health.

- Watch for slugs and snails, which can damage the hosta foliage, and treat if necessary.

- Remove any dead or damaged leaves to promote new growth.

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Sayuri F.

Fast shipment, well-packaged

Noel C.

Healthy and vibrant

Kyle P.

Beautiful, lush hosta with large green leaves. Thriving in my garden!

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