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Arborvitae Trees

Dancy Tangerine

Citrus reticulata 'Dancy'

13 reviews

Fruit Trees
Arborvitae Trees

Dancy Tangerine

Citrus reticulata 'Dancy'

13 reviews

Fruit Trees
  • Rich in vitamin C
  • Sweet and juicy flavor
  • Easy to peel
  • Ships in 3 to 7 days
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  • Plant Arrival Guarantee
  • In Stock



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Why Dancy Tangerine?

Dancy Tangerine is a popular citrus fruit due to its sweet and juicy flavor. It is a relatively easy-to-grow tree, making it a common choice for home gardening. The fruit is medium-sized, with a thin, easy-to-peel skin and few seeds. Dancy Tangerines are known for their excellent flavor and aroma, making them a favorite in the citrus world. They are commonly used for juicing, snacking, or adding to baked goods.

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Dancy Tangerine typically requires full sun or at least six hours of direct sunlight per day to thrive and produce flavorful fruits.

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Dancy Tangerine trees require regular watering, especially during the growing season. They prefer moist but well-drained soil. It is important to water deeply and ensure the soil is evenly moist.

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Dancy Tangerine trees require a balanced fertilizer with a 2:1:1 or 3:1:1 ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), and additional micronutrients like iron, zinc, and manganese.

Dancy Tangerine: Zest for Life

Unleash your zest for life with the Dancy Tangerine, a citrus treasure that embodies vibrancy and flavor. This tangerine variety isn't just a fruit; it's a burst of energy that invigorates your senses and adds a touch of excitement to your culinary journey.

With its radiant orange hue and pebbled skin, the Dancy Tangerine captures the essence of vitality in its appearance. Each section is a burst of tangy sweetness, a zesty dance on your taste buds that awakens your palate. Whether enjoyed fresh, added to salads, or infused into cocktails, the Dancy Tangerine brings a dynamic twist to every dish and beverage.

Experience the vibrant zest of life with the Dancy Tangerine, a citrus sensation that elevates your spirit and your culinary creations. Cultivate this treasure and infuse your surroundings with the same lively energy that defines this remarkable tangerine.

Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Citrus reticulata 'Dancy'
USDA Zones: 9-10 (Patio 4 - 11)
Water: Low Once Established
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Needs: Well Drained
Mature Height: 10 - 15 feet
Mature Spread: 5 - 8 feet
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Pollination Info

Pollination Info for Dancy Tangerine (Citrus reticulata 'Dancy')

  • Pollination Type: Self-fertile
  • Bloom Time: February to April
  • Best Pollinators: Bees, flies, and other pollinating insects
  • Pollination Notes: Dancy tangerine is self-fertile, meaning it does not require another tree for pollination. However, cross-pollination with other citrus trees can increase fruit yield and quality.


Dancy Tangerine (Citrus reticulata 'Dancy') FAQ

General Information

  • What is Dancy Tangerine?
    • Dancy Tangerine is a type of mandarin orange that is usually seedless and easy to peel.
  • What is the scientific name for Dancy Tangerine?
    • The scientific name for Dancy Tangerine is Citrus reticulata 'Dancy'.
  • Where can Dancy Tangerines be grown?
    • Dancy Tangerines are best grown in warm climates with well-draining soils, and are typically found in states like Florida, California, Arizona, and Texas.
  • When is the harvesting season for Dancy Tangerines?
    • The harvesting season for Dancy Tangerines usually occurs around December through February.

Plant Care

  • What kind of soil is best for Dancy Tangerines to grow in?
    • Dancy Tangerines prefer well-draining soils with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5.
  • How often should Dancy Tangerines be watered?
    • Dancy Tangerines should be watered deeply once a week, or more frequently if the soil is dry.
  • What kind of fertilizer should be used on Dancy Tangerines?
    • Dancy Tangerines require a balanced fertilizer (e.g. 10-10-10) that includes micronutrients like iron, copper, and zinc.
  • What pests and diseases should I look out for when growing Dancy Tangerines?
    • Dancy Tangerines can be susceptible to pests like citrus leafminers, aphids, and mites, as well as diseases like citrus canker and citrus greening.
  • How can I prevent pests and diseases from affecting my Dancy Tangerines?
    • Pests and diseases can be prevented by properly maintaining soil health, applying appropriate fertilizers and/or pesticides, and pruning off damaged or diseased branches.


  • How should Dancy Tangerines be prepared?
    • Dancy Tangerines can be eaten whole, peeled and segmented, or juiced. They are often used in salads, desserts, and cocktails.
  • What are the health benefits of eating Dancy Tangerines?
    • Dancy Tangerines are a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, and may help lower the risk of heart disease and inflammation.
  • What other foods pair well with Dancy Tangerines?
    • Dancy Tangerines pair well with other citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemon, and lime, as well as with nuts, cheeses, and spicy dishes.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Dancy Tangerine (Citrus reticulata 'Dancy')

Planting Instructions:

  • Choose a sunny, well-draining spot in your garden.
  • Prepare the soil by adding compost and mixing it in well.
  • Dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball of your plant.
  • Remove the plant from its container and gently separate any tangled roots.
  • Place the plant in the hole and backfill with soil, pressing down gently as you go.
  • Water the plant thoroughly.
  • Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to retain moisture and suppress weeds.

Care Instructions:

  • Water the plant deeply but infrequently to encourage deep root growth. A good rule of thumb is to water once a week or when the top inch of soil feels dry.
  • Fertilize the plant with a citrus-specific fertilizer in the spring and fall. Follow the instructions on the package carefully.
  • Prune the plant in the late winter or early spring to remove any dead or diseased wood and to shape the plant.
  • Cover the plant with a frost blanket or move it to a protected area if temperatures are expected to drop below 28 degrees F.


  • Dancy tangerines are typically ready to harvest in late winter to early spring.
  • The fruit should be firm and have a bright orange color. It should be easy to peel and have a sweet, juicy flavor.
  • Use a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to cut the fruit from the tree, leaving a small piece of stem attached.

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Michiyo K.

The Dancy Tangerine arrived looking fresh and vibrant. The taste was exceptional and it was easy to peel. The website was user-friendly and the shipment arrived on time. Great customer service experience.

Virginie D.

Overall great experience with Dancy Tangerine, will order again.

Nadine J.

Top-notch quality, worth the price.

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