
All You Need To Know About Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees & Their Care

Published: 21/04/2023 | Updated: 09/09/2023

All You Need To Know About Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees & Their Care - Shrubhub

Fiddle leaf fig trees, which are known as Ficus lyrata, are a wonderful, bright addition to almost any indoor environment, even if you don't have a green thumb!

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But what exactly is a fiddle leaf fig tree, and how can you care for one? In this article, we'll take a closer look at these beautiful plants and all they have to offer.

What Are Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees?

Fiddle-leaf fig trees, also known as three-leaf fig or Ficus lyrata, are tropical plants native to Western Africa with large glossy violin-shaped leaves that grow upright around a tall sleek trunk in a regular pattern.

Fiddle-leaf figs are related to the common bonsai tree but are more like small palms than evergreen bonsais.

The leaves of fiddle leaf figs grow in pairs along each stem and the leaves can be either bright or dark green or variegated with brown spots and cream stripes down their center (depending on the variety).

The leaves are also very large compared to other indoor plants, ranging from 6 inches tall up to 18 inches long depending on the variety you choose.

Are Fiddle Leaf Figs Easy to Care For?

Fiddle-leaf fig trees aren't exactly easy to care for; however, they're worth all the time and effort spent caring for them.

If you live in zones 10 or 11 (this means that the average low temperature during winter is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit), you can plant your fiddle leaf fig outside, where it will be able to flower and produce fruit.

However, it's best if you keep it in an area protected from wind and harsh winter weather conditions so that its delicate leaves won't get damaged.

Fiddle-leaf fig trees need frequent watering and fertilizing to grow well indoors or out. They also thrive on humidity, so you should mist your five-leaf plants daily if you live in an arid or warm climate.

These conditions make it easier to grow the plant indoors in indirect or filtered light.

All You Need To Know About Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees & Their Care - Shrubhub

Where Can You Find Fiddle Leaf Figs in Nature?

Fiddle leaf figs are native to tropical regions of the world. They can be found growing in the rainforests of Australia and Asia, as well as on the islands of Madagascar and Africa.

They are also native to the Americas, specifically zones 10 and 11.

For many years it was believed that fiddle leaf fig trees could not be grown outside of their natural habitat; however, there has been much research into this subject recently and it turns out that they can survive in cooler climates if given enough care.

How to Care For Fiddle Leaf Figs?

The first step to caring for your fiddle fig is to make sure that you have a proper pot. Fiddle figs are tropical plants, so they need to be in containers with holes in the bottom.

The pot should be at least 8" tall and deep and 10" across, with good drainage.

You can use any type of potting mix for your fiddle fig tree; just make sure it drains well and doesn't become waterlogged over time (plants hate sitting in wet soil).

If you want something that's easy on the wallet but still works well, consider using coconut husks. They're nutrient-rich and help other plants retain moisture while allowing airflow into the plant and root system!

What’s a Good Container for the Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant?

The size of the pot you choose for your fiddle leaf fig tree fruit is important. These trees tend to grow very large, so it's best to start with a large enough pot from the beginning.

If you're unsure about what size pot would work best for your fiddle leaf fig tree, measure its height and width at its widest point (a diameter).

Then multiply those numbers together; if this number is less than 10, then you should be fine with that size pot!

You'll also want to make sure that your container has holes in the bottom. This is important because fiddle leaf fig trees need good drainage, and without holes in your potting mix, it could cause root rot or other issues.

All You Need To Know About Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees & Their Care - Shrubhub

What Type of Soil Is Good for the Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant?

The next step to caring for your fiddle fig tree is making sure that the soil is healthy.

The best way to do this is with a well-draining potting mix that contains plenty of organic matter, like compost or mulch.

For this reason, you should use light and well-draining potting mix. The best choice is something like cactus soil or potting soil from a gardening store (not normal dirt from outside).

If you're using regular potting soil, it must be loose and aerated so air can flow through easily--this will help prevent root rot (which can kill your plant).

You should also fertilize living plants once per month with a water-soluble plant fertilizer.

What Are the Most Common Problems That Face These Shrubs?

One of the most common issues with fiddle fig care is root rot, which occurs when there's too much water at the roots.

Fiddle figs like high humidity and need to be watered daily. They also like to be kept in a warm environment (above 70 degrees) with partial or full sun, bright, and enough light but should be kept out of direct sunlight as much as possible due to their tendency to sunburn easily.

For best results, place your fiddle leaf fig tree on top of a tray filled with room temperature water so that it can absorb some extra moisture through its roots every day.

All You Need To Know About Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees & Their Care - Shrubhub

What Are Other Common Problems For This Plant?

Another common issue with fiddle figs is leaf drop due to dry air or insufficient humidity.

Fiddle figs are tropical plants and need high humidity, and light, to thrive, so make sure you're keeping your plant in a room with lots of natural light and good airflow.

You can also use a humidity tray or humidifier to help increase the humidity level and the moisture in your home, which will make it easier for your plant to thrive.

If you notice that some of the leaves on the stem of your fiddle fig are turning brown or falling off, this could be an indication that there isn't enough humidity in the air around them--so try making some adjustments for more humidity.

What Do Dropping Leaves Indicate?

If your fiddle fig starts dropping a few leaves this spring, then it might be time for a new pot or a bigger one!

If your Fiddle Leaf Fig is in an undersized container, the roots will not be able to spread out properly and this will cause them to become cramped.

This can cause the top of your fiddle leaf fig plant to look unhealthy and stressed out as well as make it more susceptible to disease.

If you want your fiddle leaf fig tree to look great for years to come, get them into larger pots with better drainage so that they can grow healthily without being constrained by small pots.

All You Need To Know About Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees & Their Care - Shrubhub

How to Grow a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree From Seeds?

If you want to grow a new tree from seeds, you must first germinate them. The process of germination of figs is simple and can be done at home with little effort.

Once all the differences between the seeds have been planted in soil and watered, they will begin to sprout within days.

You must keep the seedlings moist until they are fully established in their pots or trays before transplanting them into larger containers or garden beds outside (or any other new environments).

A Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Can Be a Beautiful Addition to Any Home!

If you're looking for a beautiful indoor plant, look no further than the fiddle leaf fig tree. This plant is great for people who don't have green thumbs and still want to enjoy some lush greenery and lush, full leaves in their homes.

We hope you found this article helpful! If you want to learn more about fiddle leaf figs and tips for their care, check out our other blogs on houseplants!

Finally, don't forget to visit shrubhub.com to learn more about our various landscaping services!



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