
8 Lawn Alternatives That Are Better Than Grass

Published: 07/07/2022 | Updated: 29/03/2023

8 Lawn Alternatives That Are Better Than Grass - Shrubhub

Back in the day, having a lush, green yard was all the rage. Everyone wanted a lawn that rivaled those in TV commercials. But these days, more and more people are opting for alternatives to traditional grass lawns.

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There are many reasons to ditch your lawn for something else. Maybe you don't have the time to maintain it, or maybe you're concerned about the environmental impact of traditional lawn care. Whatever your reason, there are plenty of alternatives to choose from.

In this post, we'll explore 8 of the best lawn alternatives out there and why you should consider those alternatives in the first place.

Dwarf Carpet of the Stars

If you're looking for a lawn alternative that's out of this world, look no further than the Carpet of the Stars! This low-maintenance option is made up of small, star-shaped plants that are easy to care for and look great all year round.

To install, simply spread the plants evenly over your desired area and water regularly. They'll quickly grow to form a soft, plush carpet that's perfect for kids and pets to play on. Plus, with no need for mowing or fertilizing, the Carpet of the Stars is a hassle-free way to add some star power to your yard.

Carex Testacea

Carex Testacea is a lush, olive-green lawn alternative that becomes coppery-brown when it matures. Its colorful and warm foliage that is low-maintenance and drought-resistant makes it the perfect grassy lawn alternative. It also doesn't require any fertilizers or pesticides.

The best part about Carex Testacea is that it can be planted in any type of soil, making it perfect for people who live in different types of environments or who have different types of soil in their homes.

The best part about Carex Testacea is that it can be planted in any type of soil, making it perfect for people who live in different types of environments or who have different types of soil in their homes.


8 Lawn Alternatives That Are Better Than Grass - Shrubhub

Clover is another great grass alternative. Like Carpet of the Stars, Lemon Thyme, and Carex Testacea, Clover is a low-maintenance plant that doesn't require a lot of care.

It produces a beautiful green lawn that's perfect for kids and pets. Plus, clover is a nitrogen-fixer, meaning it helps to improve soil health and fertility, so if you ever decide to up your gardening game, your yard will be more than ready.

To plant clover in your garden, be sure to check with your local nursery or garden center. They'll be able to recommend the best variety for your climate and growing conditions.


Don't feel like mowing the lawn every week? Tired of constantly needing to water your grass? Well, don't worry, because you don’t even need a plant to make your yard look great.

Gravel is affordable, easy to maintain, and can be used to create a variety of different designs in your yard. Plus, it looks great with pretty much any type of landscaping. So if you're looking for an alternative to grass that will still make your yard look amazing, gravel is definitely a good option to consider.


Do you want a grass alternative that has everything and more? Then Sedum, aka stonecrop, is exactly what you need.

This succulent grows in clumps and has small, green leaves that turn red in the fall. It doesn't require a lot of water, and is resistant to pests and diseases. It also produces clusters of star-shaped flowers that bloom from midsummer to fall.

And If you’re living in an industrial region, sedum plants can help you remove heavy metals from contaminated soil.

One thing to note though: Sedum doesn't do well in cold weather, so it's not a good choice for climates that experience winter frost.

Creeping Lemon Thyme

8 Lawn Alternatives That Are Better Than Grass - Shrubhub

Lemon thyme is a low-maintenance herb that can be used to enhance the look of your yard. It has a pleasant citrus scent, and the leaves can be used in cooking. It's also less of a hassle for people with allergies, since it doesn't produce pollen.

Lemon Thyme does not need much care and can be left for weeks without watering. It is also resistant to weed, which makes it perfect for those who are too busy to maintain their lawns or don't want to put in the extra effort.

Not only is lemon thyme a low-maintenance, drought-resistant lawn alternative, but it also produces lavender-colored flowers. If you’ve ever dreamt about turning your yard into a purple paradise, then replacing grass with lemon thyme is definitely your best shot.

The only downside to thyme lawn is that it can get a bit expensive and needs a lot of planning if you want to plant it in a large area.

Wild Aster

Wanna go a little wilder than a just purple garden? Then check out wild aster! This hardy perennial is perfect for anyone who wants a drought-resistant garden that doesn’t need to be watered or mowed. Wild aster is also known for its beautiful blooms, which come in shades of pink, purple and white.

It is also a native plant of North America, so it will grow better in the local climate than other alternatives such as Kentucky bluegrass.

So if you want an easy way to transform your yard, consider planting some wild aster!


Number 8 on our list is yarrow. While yarrow may not be the first plant that comes to mind when you think of DIY landscaping ideas, it's a great option if you're looking for something that's easy to care for and will still add some color and texture to your yard.

Yarrow is a flowering plant that can be used to make tea, and it has a number of medicinal properties. It's also a great choice if all that you need is a plant that repels pests.

Why You Should Consider Lawn Alternatives

You may be thinking, "Why would I want to get rid of my perfectly good grass lawn?" Well, there are actually a lot of reasons why you should consider replacing it with one of the many alternatives available.

Here are just a few:

Remember This…

You've been mowing and fertilizing your lawn for years, but it's just not cutting it anymore. It's time to explore some other lawn cover alternatives that will make your yard look great and be more low-maintenance.

We've put together a list of 8 lawn alternatives that are better than grass, so take a look and see which one is right for you. And don't forget to check out Shrubhub’s online landscaping services to get help with the installation!



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