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Arborvitae Trees

September Charm Anemone

Anemone x 'September Charm'

7 reviews

Arborvitae Trees

September Charm Anemone

Anemone x 'September Charm'

7 reviews

  • Blooms in late summer, adding color to gardens when many other flowers are past their peak
  • Tolerant of a variety of soil types and growing conditions
  • Attracts butterflies and bees, adding beauty and pollination to your garden
  • Ships in 3 to 7 days
  • Free Shipping Over $150
  • Plant Arrival Guarantee
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Why September Charm Anemone?

The September Charm Anemone is a popular choice for gardens due to its long blooming period, which usually lasts from late summer to early fall. This lovely plant produces large, pinkish-purple flowers with golden centers, adding a burst of color to any garden. Additionally, it is low-maintenance, easy to grow, and attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Overall, the September Charm Anemone is a beautiful and functional addition to any garden space.

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sun icon


The sunlight requirement for September Charm Anemone is full sun to partial shade.

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September Charm Anemones require consistently moist soil, so regular watering is necessary. It is important to avoid overwatering or letting the soil dry out completely. Aim to keep the soil consistently damp to ensure the health and vitality of the plant.

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The fertilizer requirement for September Charm Anemone is a balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It should be applied once during the growing season, following the package instructions for the appropriate dosage.

The September Charm Anemone, also known as the Japanese anemone September charm 'Anemone x hybrida September or hybrida September charm is a stunning plant that boasts silvery pink flowers that make perfect cut flower arrangements, especially with their yellow center stamens.

With its vibrant colors and delicate petals, it's sure to catch the eye of anyone who passes by wherever you place it in your garden. It blooms from late summer to fall, with its fall bloom creating a stunning display when other plants have finished blooming.

September charm is also low maintenance. To ensure your September Charm Anemone thrives, it's important to provide it with the right conditions.

These flowers prefer well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Poorly drained soils can cause problems like root rot. Evenly moist, well-drained soils are the most important for those plants.

They also thrive in full sun or partial shade. The plants are susceptible to powdery mildew and leaf spot, but they are easy to avoid by providing the ideal conditions.

You could also easily propagate those growing plants with root cuttings.

With its stunning beauty and ease of care, this flower is a must-have for any garden enthusiast. Order yours from Shrubhub right away!


Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Anemone x 'September Charm'
USDA Zones: 4-8
Water: Medium
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Needs: Well Drained
Mature Height: 3 - 4 feet
Mature Spread: 2 - 3 feet
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Pollination Info

Pollination Information for September Charm Anemone (Anemone x 'September Charm')

  • September Charm anemones are pollinated by a variety of bees, including honeybees, bumblebees, and solitary bees.
  • The flowers are primarily pollinated through cross-pollination, in which bees transfer pollen from one flower to another.
  • September Charm anemones bloom in late summer and early fall, providing important nectar and pollen resources for bees during a time when few other plants are in bloom.
  • The bright pink flowers of September Charm anemones are attractive to bees, making them more likely to visit and pollinate the flowers.
  • It is important to avoid the use of pesticides and other chemicals in the vicinity of September Charm anemones, as these can be harmful to bees and other pollinators.


FAQ for September Charm Anemone (Anemone x 'September Charm')

General Information

  • What is a September Charm Anemone?
  • What are the characteristics of September Charm Anemone?
  • Where can September Charm Anemone be grown?
  • How long does September Charm Anemone bloom?
  • What is the ideal soil and light condition for September Charm Anemone?

Growing and Care

  • How can I plant September Charm Anemone?
  • When is the best time to plant September Charm Anemone?
  • How often should I water September Charm Anemone?
  • What kind of fertilizer should I use for September Charm Anemone?
  • What should I do with my September Charm Anemone in the winter?
  • How do I prevent pests and diseases from affecting my September Charm Anemone?


  • How do I propagate September Charm Anemone?
  • What is the best time to propagate September Charm Anemone?
  • What are the requirements for propagating September Charm Anemone?

Pruning and Maintenance

  • Should I prune September Charm Anemone?
  • When should I prune September Charm Anemone?
  • How should I prune September Charm Anemone?
  • What are some maintenance tips for September Charm Anemone?

Uses and Design Tips

  • What are some uses for September Charm Anemone?
  • How can I design my garden with September Charm Anemone?
  • What are some companion plants for September Charm Anemone?

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for September Charm Anemone


  • Choose a site with well-draining soil and partial shade.
  • Plant in the early spring or fall.
  • Dig a hole twice the diameter of the pot and the same depth as the root ball.
  • Remove the plant from the pot and gently loosen the roots.
  • Place the plant in the hole and backfill with soil. Water thoroughly.


  • Water regularly to keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged.
  • Mulch around the plant to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer in the spring and again in mid-summer.
  • Deadhead spent flowers to encourage new blooms.
  • In late fall, cut the plant back to a few inches above the ground.
  • Protect the plant from harsh winter winds with a layer of mulch or a protective covering.
  • Divide the plant every 2-3 years to promote healthy growth.

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Mindy E.

My September Charm Anemone arrived well-packaged and healthy. It's thriving in my yard now.

Mindy L.

I had a great experience with customer service. They were very helpful with my inquiries.

Kaori S.

Beautiful anemone, exactly as described.

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