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Arborvitae Trees

Millenium Allium

Allium senescens 'Millenium'

11 reviews

Arborvitae Trees

Millenium Allium

Allium senescens 'Millenium'

11 reviews

  • Compact and easy to care for
  • Attracts butterflies and pollinators
  • Blooms in late summer, adding color to the garden
  • Ships in 3 to 7 days
  • Free Shipping Over $150
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Why Millenium Allium?

Millenium Allium is a unique plant with an appealing appearance. It features round, compact, verdant-green foliage that grows up to 10 inches tall. The plant bears clusters of rose-purple flowers that bloom atop leafless stalks in late July. These flowers are attractive to butterflies, bees, and other pollinator species. It’s a perennial plant that’s easy to care for and adapts to various soil types. Millenium Allium is an excellent addition to rock gardens, borders, and containers, or as a grou

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sun icon


Millennium Allium can tolerate full sun to partial shade, but it typically performs best in full sun to achieve maximum growth and blooming potential.

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Millenium Allium has a moderate watering requirement, typically needing around 1 inch of water per week. It is important to ensure that the soil is well-drained to prevent waterlogged conditions, which can cause rotting of the bulbs.

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The fertilizer requirement for Millenium Allium is a well-balanced, slow-release granular fertilizer with a ratio of 10-10-10 or similar.

Meet the Millenium Allium - a bold and captivating addition to your garden! This extraordinary plant showcases stunning round clusters of vibrant purple flowers that bloom in mid-summer, creating a show-stopping focal point. The Millenium Allium thrives in full sun and well-draining soil conditions, making it a perfect choice for gardens with good air circulation. It is a tough perennial that is hardy in USDA hardiness zones 4-9.
Low-maintenance and easy to care for, the Millenium Allium requires minimal watering once established. Its sturdy stems and long-lasting blooms make it an ideal choice for borders, rock gardens, or mixed perennial beds, adding a touch of architectural elegance to your landscape.
Not only does the Millenium Allium offer visual appeal, but it also attracts beneficial pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Its unique structure and vibrant color serve as a magnet for these essential insects, promoting the health and diversity of your garden ecosystem.
The Millenium Allium has a fascinating history. It was awarded the prestigious Perennial Plant of the Year award in 2018 for its outstanding performance and exceptional beauty. Additionally, its flowers are edible and can be used to add a burst of flavor and visual interest to salads or as a garnish for culinary creations.
With its striking purple blooms, easy maintenance, and attractiveness to pollinators, the Millenium Allium is a must-have for any gardener seeking to bring bold color and ecological vitality to their outdoor retreat.

Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Allium senescens 'Millenium'
USDA Zones: 4-8
Water: Moderate
Exposure: Full Sun
Mature Height: 15 - 20 Inches
Mature Spread: 10 - 15 inches
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Pollination Info

Pollination Info for Millenium Allium (Allium senescens 'Millenium')

Millenium Allium is a perennial plant that produces showy, violet-pink globes of flowers atop tall stems. Pollination is necessary for the plant to produce seeds and reproduce.

Pollination Method

Millenium Allium is primarily pollinated by insects, especially bees and butterflies. The flowers have a sweet fragrance that attracts these pollinators. The flowers are also self-fertile, meaning they are capable of fertilizing themselves without needing another plant for pollination.

Pollination Process

When a bee or butterfly lands on a Millenium Allium flower, its body rubs against the flower's reproductive organs, which consist of the stamen (male) and pistil (female) parts. As the insect moves from flower to flower, it transfers pollen from the stamen of one flower to the pistil of another. This fertilizes the flower, allowing it to produce a seed.

Factors Affecting Pollination

The pollination of Millenium Allium can be affected by a variety of factors, such as weather, pesticide use, and habitat destruction. Bees and butterflies may be less active during periods of cool or rainy weather, reducing the chances of successful pollination. Pesticides can also be toxic to pollinators, leading to their decline. Destruction of pollinator habitats, such as prairies and wildflower meadows, also reduces the number of insects available for pollination.


Millenium Allium (Allium senescens 'Millenium') FAQ

  • What is a Millenium Allium?

    Millenium Allium (Allium senescens 'Millenium') is a herbaceous perennial plant in the onion family that originated in Asia and Europe. It is known for its globe-shaped, bright pink-purple flowers that bloom in mid-to-late summer.

  • What is the size of Millenium Allium?

    Millenium Allium grows to a height of 12-18 inches (30-45 cm) and has a spread of 12-24 inches (30-60 cm).

  • What is the blooming period of Millenium Allium?

    Millenium Allium blooms in mid-to-late summer, typically in July or August.

  • What are the growing conditions for Millenium Allium?

    Millenium Allium grows best in full sun to partial shade and in well-drained soil. It is a hardy plant that can tolerate drought and is resistant to deer and rabbits.

  • What are the care instructions for Millenium Allium?

    Millenium Allium is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal care. It should be watered regularly during its growing season, but not overwatered. Deadheading spent flowers can encourage more blooms and tidier foliage. In colder climates, the plant should be cut back in the fall after it has finished blooming and mulched for winter protection.

  • What are some common uses for Millenium Allium?

    Millenium Allium is a popular choice for rock gardens, perennial borders, and container gardens. Its unusual blooms and easy-care nature make it a great addition to any garden or landscape.

  • What are some common problems that may affect Millenium Allium?

    Millenium Allium is generally a disease and pest-resistant plant. However, overwatering or poor drainage can lead to root rot, and overcrowding can lead to fungal diseases. Additionally, if the plant is not deadheaded, it can self-seed and become invasive.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Millenium Allium


Plant Millenium Allium bulbs in the fall, around 2-3 inches deep and about 8-10 inches apart.

Choose a well-draining soil with full sun to partial shade exposure. Ensure that the area receives at least 6-8 hours of sunlight each day.

Add a layer of organic matter like compost, leaf mold, or well-rotted manure to the planting area to improve soil fertility and drainage. Mix well into the soil.


Millenium Allium is a low-maintenance perennial plant and requires very little care. Here are some tips to keep your plants healthy:

  • Water the plants regularly, especially during hot and dry weather conditions. Ensure that the soil does not dry out completely.
  • Apply a slow-release fertilizer in spring if the soil contains low nutrients.
  • Deadhead the spent blooms after flowering is over to promote more blooms and prevent the plant from self-seeding.
  • Divide the plants every 2-3 years in early fall.
  • Keep the area around the plants free of weeds and debris to avoid pest and disease problems.

With proper planting and care, Millenium Allium can grow up to 12-18 inches tall and 10-12 inches wide, producing beautiful purple-pink blooms that attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to your garden.

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Juan G.

Easy website to navigate

Vince J.

The Allium bulbs were packaged securely and arrived without any damage. Very happy with the order.

Bill J.

Fast shipping! My Millenium Allium bulbs arrived sooner than expected and I couldn't be happier.

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