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Arborvitae Trees

Little Rocket Leopard Plant

Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket'

8 reviews

Arborvitae Trees

Little Rocket Leopard Plant

Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket'

8 reviews

  • Compact size makes it great for small spaces
  • Unique spotted foliage adds visual interest
  • Tolerant of a variety of light conditions
  • Ships in 3 to 7 days
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Why Little Rocket Leopard Plant?

The Little Rocket Leopard Plant (Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket') is a variety of perennial plant that produces unique, spiky flowers in the summer months. Its flowers and leaves can add texture and depth to garden beds or border plantings. It prefers moist soil and partial sunlight and can grow up to two feet tall. The Little Rocket Leopard Plant is a great addition to any garden looking for a pop of color and texture.

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sun icon


The Little Rocket Leopard Plant (Farfugium japonicum 'Little Rocket') thrives in partial shade to full shade, making it an ideal plant for areas with limited sunlight.

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Little Rocket Leopard Plant (Farfugium japonicum 'Little Rocket') requires moderate watering. It prefers evenly moist soil and should be watered regularly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry before re-watering. Avoid overwatering or letting the soil beco

fertilizer icon


Little Rocket Leopard Plant requires a balanced fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10.

Elevate Your Garden with the Unique Charm of Little Rocket Leopard Plant: A Must-Have for Your Landscape


Introducing the remarkable Little Rocket Leopard Plant, a true gem that will undoubtedly become the focal point of your garden. This exquisite botanical specimen combines elegance and intrigue, offering a touch of natural artistry that's both captivating and essential for any gardening enthusiast.


The Little Rocket Leopard Plant showcases its distinctive speckled leaves, reminiscent of a playful leopard's coat, bringing an element of surprise and wonder to your outdoor space. Imagine each leaf as a canvas, painting a story of nature's creativity and adding a layer of sophistication to your garden design.


The Little Rocket Leopard Plant continues to mesmerize with its dynamic presence year-round. Its leaves dance gracefully in the breeze, creating a captivating display that attracts the eye and ignites conversations among fellow garden admirers.


Whether positioned as a captivating focal point or thoughtfully integrated into your garden's composition, the Little Rocket Leopard Plant thrives in various settings, effortlessly adapting to your landscape's design vision. Its versatility ensures that your garden retains a touch of sophistication and allure, showcasing the plant's captivating demeanor.


Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the Little Rocket Leopard Plant enriches your garden's ecosystem by attracting beneficial pollinators and fostering a harmonious environment. Its presence transforms your landscape into a hub of natural intrigue, demonstrating your commitment to cultivating a vibrant and thriving outdoor haven.


Experience the botanical wonder of the Little Rocket Leopard Plant in your garden, an investment that promises lasting beauty and intrigue. Don't miss the opportunity to elevate your landscape with this unique and captivating addition. Order now and let the Little Rocket Leopard Plant take your gardening endeavors to new heights.


Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket'
USDA Zones: 4 - 9
Water: Moderate to High
Mature Height: 3 - 4 feet
Mature Spread: 3 - 4 feet
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Pollination Info

Pollination Information for Little Rocket Leopard Plant (Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket')

The Little Rocket Leopard Plant is pollinated by bees, butterflies, and other insects that feed on nectar. The flowers of the plant are brightly colored and have a sweet fragrance that attracts pollinators from a distance. The flowers are also large and showy, making them easy for pollinators to see and access.

The Little Rocket Leopard Plant is a hermaphrodite, meaning it has both male and female reproductive organs in each flower. This makes it easier for the plant to self-pollinate, but cross-pollination by insects is still important for genetic diversity.

It is recommended to plant the Little Rocket Leopard Plant in areas with plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil to encourage healthy flower and fruit production. Regular watering and fertilization can also promote vigorous growth and flowering.

Overall, the Little Rocket Leopard Plant is a beautiful and beneficial addition to any garden or landscape, providing food and habitat for a variety of pollinators while adding color and texture to the environment.


Little Rocket Leopard Plant (Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket') FAQ

General Information

What is the Little Rocket Leopard Plant?
The Little Rocket Leopard Plant is a perennial plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is also known by its scientific name Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket'.
What are the features of the Little Rocket Leopard Plant?
The Little Rocket Leopard Plant has tall, dark stems that grow up to 3 feet tall. It has large, rounded leaves that are kidney-shaped and measure up to 10 inches wide. The leaves are usually a deep green color but can also have a blue-green tint. The plant also produces bright yellow, daisy-like flowers on tall stems from mid-summer to early fall.
Where is the Little Rocket Leopard Plant native to?
The native habitat of the Little Rocket Leopard Plant includes moist areas of China, Korea, and Japan.

Growing Information

What is the best location to grow Little Rocket Leopard Plant?
The Little Rocket Leopard Plant prefers partially shaded to full shade locations, as well as moist and well-draining soil.
What is the best time to plant Little Rocket Leopard Plant?
The best time to plant the Little Rocket Leopard Plant is in the spring or fall. Plant it at a depth equal to the root ball and space the plants 1-3 feet apart.
How much water does Little Rocket Leopard Plant need?
The Little Rocket Leopard Plant prefers moist soil, so it is important to keep the soil consistently moist. However, overwatering should be avoided, as it can cause root rot.
How often should Little Rocket Leopard Plant be fertilized?
The Little Rocket Leopard Plant does not require frequent fertilization. A slow-release fertilizer can be applied once a year in the spring.
How do I propagate Little Rocket Leopard Plant?
The Little Rocket Leopard Plant can be propagated by division in the spring or fall. Dig up the plant and divide it into smaller sections, making sure each section has a healthy root system. Replant the sections at the same depth as the original plant.

Pest and Disease Information

What are the common pests that affect Little Rocket Leopard Plant?
The common pests that affect the Little Rocket Leopard Plant include slugs, snails, and spider mites. Regular monitoring and treatment with appropriate pesticides can prevent these pests from causing damage.
What are the common diseases that affect Little Rocket Leopard Plant?
The common diseases that affect the Little Rocket Leopard Plant include powdery mildew, leaf spot, and rust. Proper watering and pruning, as well as avoiding overcrowding, can help prevent these diseases from occurring. Fungicides can also be applied to treat current infections.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Little Rocket Leopard Plant (Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket')


  • Choose a location with well-draining soil and partial shade.
  • Plant in spring or fall, spacing the plants 2-3 feet apart.
  • Amend the soil with organic matter before planting.
  • Water the plant thoroughly after planting.


  • Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged.
  • Water deeply once a week, more often in hot weather.
  • Apply a layer of mulch around the plant to retain moisture and keep weeds down.
  • Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer in spring and midsummer.
  • Deadhead spent flowers to encourage more blooms.
  • Cut back the stems to the ground in late fall or early spring.
  • Protect from strong winds and frost by covering with a cloth or blanket.

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Yumi Y.

I was pleasantly surprised by the health and size of the Little Rocket Leopard Plant I received. The plant was well-packaged and arrived quickly. The website was easy to navigate and customer service was helpful when I had questions. Overall, a positive experience.

Ivan J.

Arrived in perfect condition, very pleased.

Kaori I.

Item quality is great, looks exactly like the picture.

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