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Arborvitae Trees

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose

Cistus x 'Little Miss Sunshine'

7 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
Arborvitae Trees

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose

Cistus x 'Little Miss Sunshine'

7 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges



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Why Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose?

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is a small evergreen shrub that produces bright yellow flowers with distinctive dark maroon marks at the center. This hardy plant thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, making it an excellent choice for rock gardens, borders or containers. Little Miss Sunshine blooms in early summer and throughout the season, adding a pop of color to any landscape. It is easy to grow and maintain, making it a popular choice for novice and experienced gardeners alike.

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The sunlight requirement for the Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is full sun.

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Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose has a low watering requirement and is quite drought-tolerant. It thrives in dry conditions and should be watered sparingly, allowing its soil to dry out between waterings.

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The fertilizer requirement for Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is typically minimal. It generally benefits from a well-draining soil and does not require heavy fertilization.

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose: A Radiant Burst of Color for Your Garden

Introducing Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose, a radiant and captivating addition to your garden. 

Prepare to be dazzled by the vibrant yellow blooms of Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose. 

This charming shrub produces an abundance of delicate, papery flowers that light up your garden with their sunny disposition. 

Each blossom is like a miniature sunbeam, adding a cheerful and uplifting presence to your landscape. 

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is the perfect choice for gardens of all sizes. This compact shrub grows to a height of 2 to 3 feet, making it suitable for small gardens, containers, or as a border plant. 

Its neat and rounded form adds structure and visual interest to your landscape, while its petite size allows for flexible placement in various garden designs. 

One of the standout features of Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is its low-maintenance nature. 

This resilient shrub is drought-tolerant and thrives in well-drained soil, making it ideal for hot and dry climates. 

It requires minimal watering once established, reducing the need for constant attention. 

Additionally, Little Miss Sunshine is resistant to pests and diseases, further contributing to its easy-care qualities. 

Don't miss the opportunity to bring the radiant beauty of Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose to your garden. Visit our ShrubHub store today and discover the joy that awaits you. 

Order your own Little Miss Sunshine and witness the transformation of your outdoor space into a haven of color and happiness. 

Let this delightful rockrose be the shining star of your garden, brightening up your landscape with its cheerful yellow blooms. 


Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Cistus x 'Little Miss Sunshine'
USDA Zones: 8-11
Water: Low Once Established
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Needs: Well Drained
Mature Height: 12 - 24 inches
Mature Spread: 12 - 18 inches
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Pollination Info

Pollination Information for Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose (Cistus x 'Little Miss Sunshine')

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is a hybrid plant, which means it is the result of cross-pollination between two different species. As a result, it is sterile and does not produce viable seeds. This does not affect the plant's ability to flower and thrive in the garden, however.

The flowers of Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose are visited by various pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other insects. These visitors help to transfer pollen from the stamens (the male reproductive organs) to the pistils (the female reproductive organs) of the flowers. This process is necessary for fertilization and the production of seeds, although, as mentioned above, Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is sterile and therefore does not produce seeds.

While pollination is not essential for the survival of Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose, it is still an important aspect of the plant's life cycle. By attracting pollinators to its flowers, Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is participating in the larger ecosystem and helping to support the biodiversity of the environment.


Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose (Cistus x 'Little Miss Sunshine') FAQ

What is Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose?

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose (Cistus x 'Little Miss Sunshine') is a compact evergreen shrub that is known for its stunning, yellow flowers that bloom in the spring. It is a hybrid plant that was developed in Portugal and is a result of crossbreeding two different species of rockrose: C. ladanifer and C. inflatus.

How big does it get?

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose typically grows to be between 2-3 feet in height and width, making it a great choice for smaller gardens and containers.

When does it bloom?

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose blooms in the late spring to early summer, typically from May to June. During this time, the plant is covered in bright yellow flowers that are about two inches in diameter. This display can last up to six weeks.

Is it drought-tolerant?

Yes, Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is highly drought-tolerant and can thrive in hot, dry conditions. However, it does require well-draining soil and will not tolerate standing water around its roots.

How do I care for it?

Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to care for. It prefers full sun and well-draining soil. Water it deeply once a week during the first growing season to establish its roots, and then it should only need water during extended droughts. Pruning is not necessary, but you can trim back any dead or damaged branches in the early spring.

Is it deer-resistant?

Yes, Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is deer-resistant, which makes it a great choice for gardens where deer are a problem.

Can it be grown in a container?

Yes, Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose can be grown in a container as long as the container has drainage holes and the soil is well-draining. Use a high-quality potting mix and fertilize with a slow-release fertilizer once a year in the early spring.

Does it attract bees or other pollinators?

Yes, Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is a great plant for pollinators, especially bees, who are attracted to the plant's bright yellow flowers.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose (Cistus x 'Little Miss Sunshine')


  • Choose a location that receives full sun, at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day.
  • Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose can tolerate a wide range of soil types, but prefers well-draining soil. If planting in heavy soil, amend the soil with organic matter to improve drainage.
  • Dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the rootball of the plant. Place the plant in the hole and backfill with soil, firming the soil around the base of the plant.
  • Water thoroughly after planting to settle the soil.
  • Plant in the spring or fall, when temperatures are mild and moisture is readily available.


  • Water regularly during the first growing season, until the plant is well-established. After that, Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is drought-tolerant and only needs water during periods of prolonged drought.
  • Fertilize in early spring with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. Do not fertilize after mid-summer, as this can stimulate new growth that won't have time to harden off before winter.
  • Prune lightly in early spring to promote bushy growth and remove any dead or damaged branches. Do not prune in late summer or fall, as this can stimulate new growth that won't have time to harden off before winter.
  • Little Miss Sunshine Rockrose is deer-resistant and does not have any major pest or disease problems.
  • Enjoy the bright yellow flowers, which bloom abundantly in late spring and early summer!

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Marco V.

The plant arrived in perfect condition.

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Plant arrived in perfect condition, well-packaged and healthy.

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