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Arborvitae Trees

Gardenia 'August Beauty'

Gardenia jasminoides August Beauty

8 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
Arborvitae Trees

Gardenia 'August Beauty'

Gardenia jasminoides August Beauty

8 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
  • Fragrant white flowers bloom from spring to fall
  • Drought-tolerant once established
  • Attracts butterflies and pollinators
  • Ships in 3 to 7 days
  • Free Shipping Over $150
  • Plant Arrival Guarantee
  • In Stock



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  • 2.5 Qt.
  • 2.5 Gallon
  • 3 Gallon
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Why Gardenia 'August Beauty'?

Gardenia 'August Beauty' is a popular cultivar known for its large, fragrant, white flowers that bloom profusely from late spring to early summer. The glossy, dark green foliage provides a beautiful contrast to the flowers, creating a stunning display in any garden landscape. This evergreen shrub thrives in full sun to partial shade and is ideal for planting near patios or walkways where its fragrance can be enjoyed.

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sun icon


Gardenia 'August Beauty' requires full to partial sunlight, ideally receiving at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. It is important to provide adequate light for this plant to promote healthy growth and abundant flowering.

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Gardenia 'August Beauty' requires consistently moist soil, but with good drainage to prevent root rot. It is important to water deeply and thoroughly, especially during periods of hot weather. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely between waterings to

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Gardenia 'August Beauty' requires a balanced fertilizer with a N-P-K ratio of 3-1-2 or 4-1-2. Fertilize in the spring and summer months with a slow-release fertilizer specifically formulated for acid-loving plants. Avoid over-fertilizing as it can lead to

Gardenia 'August Beauty' (Gardenia jasminoides August Beauty)

Gardenia 'August Beauty' is a popular evergreen shrub prized for its beautiful, fragrant white flowers and glossy green leaves. This gardenia variety is known for its long blooming season, typically from late spring to early fall.

These shrubs can grow to be 3 to 6 feet tall and wide, making them ideal for use as a hedge, border, or container plant. They prefer full sun to partial shade and well-drained, acidic soil. Gardenia 'August Beauty' is also known for its attractive dark green foliage that provides year-round interest to any landscape.

The flowers of Gardenia 'August Beauty' are highly fragrant, with a sweet, floral scent that can perfume an entire garden. They are perfect for cutting and bringing indoors to enjoy in bouquets or floral arrangements.

Overall, Gardenia 'August Beauty' is a low-maintenance shrub that adds beauty and fragrance to any garden or landscape. It is a favorite among gardeners for its reliable performance and stunning blooms.

Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides August Beauty
USDA Zones: 8 - 11
Mature Height: 5 FT
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Pollination Info

Pollination Information for Gardenia 'August Beauty'

Gardenia 'August Beauty' (Gardenia jasminoides August Beauty) is a popular flowering shrub known for its sweetly scented, white blooms. Proper pollination is important for the development of fruits (seed pods) in gardenias. Here are some key points regarding pollination for Gardenia 'August Beauty':

1. Pollination Process

Gardenias are typically pollinated by bees and other insects that are attracted to their fragrant flowers. The pollen is transferred from the male parts (stamen) to the female parts (pistil) of the flower, leading to fertilization and the development of seeds.

2. Self-Pollination

Gardenias are capable of self-pollination, meaning that they can fertilize their own flowers without the need for another plant. However, cross-pollination by insects can lead to greater genetic diversity and potentially stronger offspring.

3. Pollination Requirements

For successful pollination, make sure that your Gardenia 'August Beauty' is planted in well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight. Bees and other pollinators are more likely to visit your gardenia if it is situated in a location with plenty of nectar-rich flowers nearby.

4. Enhancing Pollination

To attract more pollinators to your Gardenia 'August Beauty', you can plant other flowering plants in your garden that bloom at different times throughout the year. Creating a pollinator-friendly garden with a variety of nectar-rich flowers will help ensure successful pollination of your gardenias.

By understanding the pollination process and taking steps to enhance pollination in your garden, you can help ensure healthy growth and abundant blooms on your Gardenia 'August Beauty' plants.


Gardenia 'August Beauty' FAQ

What is Gardenia 'August Beauty'?

Gardenia 'August Beauty' (Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty') is a popular evergreen shrub known for its fragrant white flowers and glossy dark green leaves. It is a hybrid gardenia that blooms throughout the summer months, adding beauty and fragrance to any garden.

How do I care for Gardenia 'August Beauty'?

Here are some tips for caring for Gardenia 'August Beauty':

  • Plant in well-draining, acidic soil in a location with partial shade.
  • Water regularly, especially during hot weather. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  • Fertilize in the spring and summer with a balanced fertilizer formulated for acid-loving plants.
  • Prune after flowering to maintain shape and encourage new growth.
  • Protect from frost in colder climates.

How often does Gardenia 'August Beauty' bloom?

Gardenia 'August Beauty' typically blooms throughout the summer months, from late spring to early fall. The fragrant white flowers are most abundant during this time, adding beauty and fragrance to your garden.

Can I grow Gardenia 'August Beauty' indoors?

While Gardenia 'August Beauty' is best suited for outdoor cultivation, it is possible to grow it indoors with the right conditions. Make sure to provide bright, indirect light, consistent humidity, and well-draining soil. Keep in mind that indoor gardenias may not bloom as prolifically as those grown outdoors.

Do Gardenia 'August Beauty' plants attract pests?

Gardenia 'August Beauty' plants are susceptible to common garden pests such as aphids, scales, and spider mites. Regular monitoring and proper care can help prevent and control these pests. Insecticidal soap or neem oil can be used to treat infestations if necessary.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Gardenia 'August Beauty'

Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty'

Plant Type: Evergreen shrub


  • Choose a location with well-drained soil and partial shade.
  • Dig a hole twice the width of the root ball and at the same depth.
  • Remove the plant from its container and gently loosen the roots.
  • Place the plant in the hole and fill in with soil, pressing down gently as you go.
  • Water thoroughly after planting.


  • Water regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  • Apply a balanced fertilizer in spring and summer to promote growth and flowering.
  • Prune after flowering to maintain shape and size.
  • Mulch around the base of the plant to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Protect from frost in colder climates.

Pests & Diseases:

Watch for aphids, scale insects, and spider mites. Treat with insecticidal soap if necessary. Gardenias are also susceptible to root rot, so ensure good drainage.

Additional Tips:

Consider planting 'August Beauty' near a patio or window so you can enjoy its fragrant blooms. Regularly deadhead to encourage new growth and flowers.

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Bret L.

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Valerie G.

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Michelle E.

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