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Arborvitae Trees

Rose Glow Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow'

6 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
Arborvitae Trees

Rose Glow Barberry

Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow'

6 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
  • Eye-catching foliage with shades of pink, purple, and green
  • Low maintenance and drought tolerant once established
  • Deer resistant and attracts butterflies
  • Ships in 3 to 7 days
  • Free Shipping Over $150
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Why Rose Glow Barberry?

Rose Glow Barberry is a striking shrub that adds a pop of color to any landscape. This deciduous shrub features variegated red and pink foliage that turns a deep purple-red in the fall. It produces small yellow flowers in spring and red berries in fall. Rose Glow Barberry is easy to grow, low-maintenance, and perfect for hedges or border plantings. It is also deer-resistant.

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sun icon


Rose Glow Barberry thrives in full sun to partial shade. It needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day to maintain its vibrant foliage colors and overall health.

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Rose Glow Barberry has average watering requirements. It prefers well-drained soil and should be watered regularly, especially during dry periods. However, it is important not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.

fertilizer icon


Rose Glow Barberry plants require a well-draining soil and benefit from a balanced fertilizer with a ratio of 10-10-10 or a slow-release fertilizer formulated for shrubs. Apply the fertilizer in early spring or late fall according to the manufacturer's ins

Introducing Rose Glow Barberry: A Striking and Resilient Shrub for Your Landscape

Are you looking for a shrub that will make a bold statement in your garden? Look no further than the Berberis Thunbergii Rose Glow also known as Rose Glow Barberry. With its vibrant foliage, low-maintenance care, and a range of benefits, this versatile shrub is an excellent choice for any landscaping project.

Prepare to be captivated by the Rose Glow Barberry's vibrant foliage. This remarkable shrub produces leaves that start as variegated pink and purple, which mature to a deep, rich burgundy color. The foliage, small yellow flowers, and bright red berries showcase stunning color variations. The Rose Glow Barberry's foliage will add vibrancy and texture to your landscape, making it a showstopper in any setting.

Enjoy the beauty and benefits of the Rose Glow Barberry with minimal effort. This shrub is known for its low-maintenance nature, making it an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced gardeners. It is highly adaptable to a range of soil conditions and requires minimal pruning. Spend more time admiring the vibrant foliage and less time on tedious maintenance tasks.

With the Rose Glow Barberry, you can enjoy the interest in your garden all year long. This shrub's foliage retains its striking color throughout the year, ensuring that it stands out even during the winter months when many other plants go dormant. As the seasons change, witness the captivating foliage transition from its variegated pink and purple hues in spring to the rich burgundy color in summer and fall. Enjoy the ever-changing beauty this shrub brings to your garden.

Rose Glow Barberry offers resilience and versatility in your garden design. This shrub is highly adaptable to a variety of growing conditions, including sun or partial shade. It can thrive in a range of soil types, including clay and sandy soils, making it a reliable choice for diverse landscapes. Use it as a striking accent plant, create a colorful hedge, or incorporate it into a mixed border. The Rose Glow Barberry's versatility will allow you to unleash your creativity and create a captivating and dynamic garden.


Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow'
USDA Zones: 4-8
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Needs: Widely Adaptable
Mature Height: 2 - 3 feet
Mature Spread: 2 - 3 feet
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Pollination Info

Pollination Info for Rose Glow Barberry (Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow')

Rose Glow Barberry is a self-pollinating plant, which means it can reproduce on its own without needing another plant's pollen. However, cross-pollination can result in better fruit production.

The plant produces small, inconspicuous yellow-green flowers in mid to late spring. These flowers are self-fertile and pollinated by a variety of insects including bees, flies, and butterflies.

The fruit that follows the flowers is a small, edible berry that ranges in color from red to purple. The fruit is attractive to birds and can be spread by them.

A healthy and established Rose Glow Barberry plant will produce more fruit than a young or stressed plant.

If you want to encourage cross-pollination for better fruit production, consider planting other Berberis thunbergii varieties nearby. These plants are most likely to have compatible pollen.


Rose Glow Barberry (Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow') FAQ

What is Rose Glow Barberry?

Rose Glow Barberry is a deciduous shrub with deep purple-red leaves that are variegated with pink and white, giving it a unique and striking appearance.

How big does Rose Glow Barberry grow?

Rose Glow Barberry typically grows to be between 3-5 feet tall and wide, making it a great option for smaller gardens or as a border plant.

What are the growing requirements for Rose Glow Barberry?

Rose Glow Barberry prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. It is drought-tolerant once established but will benefit from regular watering during periods of prolonged drought.

How do I prune Rose Glow Barberry?

Pruning should be done in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Remove any dead, diseased, or damaged branches, as well as any branches that are crossing or rubbing against each other. You can also shape the plant at this time by cutting back any excessively long or uneven branches.

Does Rose Glow Barberry produce fruit?

Yes, Rose Glow Barberry produces small red berries in the fall. However, they are not typically eaten by birds or wildlife and can be messy if they drop on the ground.

Is Rose Glow Barberry invasive?

No, Rose Glow Barberry is not considered to be invasive in most areas. However, it is always a good idea to check with your local agricultural extension office to make sure it is not invasive in your specific region.

Can Rose Glow Barberry be used as a hedge?

Yes, Rose Glow Barberry can be used as a hedge. Its dense growth habit and attractive foliage make it a great option for creating a living fence or barrier.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Rose Glow Barberry (Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow')

Rose Glow Barberry is a deciduous shrub that is easy to grow and care for. Follow these simple planting and care instructions to keep your Rose Glow Barberry healthy and thriving:


  • Choose a location with well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade exposure.
  • Dig a hole that is at least twice the size of the root ball.
  • Remove the plant from its container and loosen the roots gently.
  • Place the plant in the hole and backfill with soil, tamping it down lightly as you go.
  • Water the plant thoroughly to help it settle into its new home.


  • Water the Rose Glow Barberry regularly, especially during hot, dry weather.
  • Fertilize in the spring with a balanced fertilizer for best growth and color.
  • Prune the shrub in late winter or early spring to remove any dead or damaged wood.
  • Use gloves when pruning as the plant has thorny branches.
  • Watch out for pests such as aphids and spider mites. Treat with insecticidal soap if necessary.

With proper planting and care, your Rose Glow Barberry will thrive and provide beautiful color to your landscape.

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Erin W.

I am in love with my Rose Glow Barberry! It looks stunning in my yard. Thank you for the great product.

Miyuki W.

Very happy with the quality of the Rose Glow Barberry. It was well packaged and arrived on time.

Nicole L.

Healthy plant, arrived in perfect condition.

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