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Arborvitae Trees

Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose

Rosa rugosa 'Moje Hammarberg'

6 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
Arborvitae Trees

Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose

Rosa rugosa 'Moje Hammarberg'

6 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
  • Beautiful pink flowers add color and charm to any garden
  • Tolerant of various soil types and weather conditions
  • Strong, sweet fragrance attracts pollinators and beneficial insects
  • Ships in 3 to 7 days
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Why Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose?

Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose (Rosa rugosa 'Moje Hammarberg') is a popular rose variety known for its exceptional beauty and hardiness. It features stunning pink flowers that bloom profusely from spring to summer, attracting butterflies and bees. This rose is highly resistant to diseases and can tolerate a wide range of soil and weather conditions. Its compact size makes it a perfect choice for small gardens or containers.

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The Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose requires full sun to thrive.

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The Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose has moderate watering requirements. It prefers consistently moist soil but can tolerate short periods of drought. It is important to avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

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The fertilizer requirement for Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose includes a balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose

(Rosa rugosa 'Moje Hammarberg')

The Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose, scientifically known as Rosa rugosa 'Moje Hammarberg', is a stunning shrub rose variety renowned for its abundance of exquisite blooms and hardiness. It belongs to the Rosaceae family and originated in East Asia.


This Rugosa Rose variety is a deciduous shrub with a compact growth habit, reaching a height of about 3-4 feet tall and spreading equally wide. The deep green foliage provides an attractive backdrop to the vibrant blooms.

The blooms of Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose are a true standout feature with their captivating deep magenta hue. These semi-double to double flowers are around 3 inches in diameter and exude a delightful fragrance that fills the air. The petals are elegantly ruffled, adding further appeal to their beauty.

This rose variety boasts a long blooming season, typically starting in late spring or early summer and continuing well into the fall. The abundant flowers are followed by attractive orange-red rose hips, providing a touch of color even after the blooming period.

Key Features:

  • Beautiful, deep magenta blooms
  • Semi-double to double flowers with ruffled petals
  • Exquisite fragrance
  • Compact growth habit
  • Reaches a height of around 3-4 feet
  • Attractive deep green foliage
  • Long blooming season from late spring to fall
  • Produces orange-red rose hips after flowering
  • Cold hardy and disease resistant


The Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose is a versatile plant that can be incorporated into various landscaping settings. Its compact size makes it ideal for small gardens, containers, or as a beautiful border or hedge plant. The vibrant blooms and lovely fragrance also make it a popular choice for cut flower arrangements.

Furthermore, this rosa rugosa variety is known for its hardiness and resistance to diseases, making it a low-maintenance option for gardeners. It thrives in full sun to partial shade and is adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions.

Overall, the Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose is a captivating and reliable shrub rose that adds beauty, fragrance, and color to any garden or landscape.

Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Rosa rugosa 'Moje Hammarberg'
USDA Zones: 3-9
Water: Moderate
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Needs: Well Drained
Mature Height: 3 - 4 feet
Mature Spread: 3 - 4 feet
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Pollination Info

Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose (Rosa rugosa 'Moje Hammarberg')

Pollination Information

The Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose is a variety of Rosa rugosa, a species of rose native to Eastern Asia. It is a vigorous and hardy shrub rose that is known for its beautiful, fragrant flowers and disease resistance.

Pollination Type:

The Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose is a self-pollinating plant. It has both male and female reproductive parts within each flower, enabling it to produce viable seeds without the need for cross-pollination from other rose varieties.

Pollination Process:

As a self-pollinating rose, the Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose does not rely on bees or other insects for pollination. Each flower contains stamens (male reproductive organs) that produce pollen, and a pistil (female reproductive organ) that receives the pollen. The pollen is usually transferred from the stamens to the pistil within the same flower, resulting in self-fertilization.

Fruit Set and Seed Production:

The flowers of the Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose develop into small, round fruits called rose hips. These hips contain seeds that can be collected and planted to grow new plants. Since this rose is self-pollinating, it can produce fruits and seeds on its own without the need for another rose variety for cross-pollination.

Attracting Pollinators:

Although self-pollinating, the Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose can still attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds with its bright-colored and fragrant flowers. These pollinators may visit the flowers to collect nectar or pollen, contributing to the overall biodiversity of your garden.


While self-pollination is sufficient for the Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose to reproduce, cross-pollination with other rose varieties can potentially result in genetic diversity and the introduction of new traits. If there are other rose bushes nearby, particularly those of compatible species or cultivars, there is a possibility of cross-pollination occurring naturally.

Care and Maintenance:

To ensure successful pollination and fruit production, provide proper care and maintenance for your Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose. This includes regular watering, well-drained soil, full sun exposure, and occasional pruning to remove dead or diseased wood. Adequate fertilization with a balanced rose food can also promote healthy growth and flowering.


Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose (Rosa rugosa 'Moje Hammarberg')


1. What is the size and growth habit of Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose?

Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose is a compact and upright shrub, reaching a height of 3-4 feet and spreading to about 2-3 feet wide.

2. When does Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose bloom?

It typically blooms once in late spring to early summer, usually in June, producing beautiful single-petaled deep pink flowers.

3. Does Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose have fragrance?

Yes, the flowers of Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose are highly fragrant, emitting a sweet and spicy scent.

4. How does Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose handle cold climates?

This rose variety is extremely cold hardy, making it suitable for growing in USDA hardiness zones 2-8.

5. Does Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose tolerate heat and humidity?

Yes, Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose is known for its excellent heat and humidity tolerance, making it suitable for a wide range of climates.

6. Does Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose require full sun?

Yes, this rose variety thrives in full sun exposure, receiving at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

7. What is the foliage like on Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose?

The foliage is bright green and glossy, with a leathery texture. It enhances the beauty of the plant even when it is not in bloom.

8. Does Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose require any special care?

Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose is relatively low maintenance. It is drought tolerant once established, but regular watering during dry periods is beneficial. Pruning should be done in early spring to maintain its shape and remove dead wood.

9. Is Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose suitable for seaside gardens?

Yes, this rose variety is highly tolerant of salt spray, making it a great choice for seaside gardens and coastal areas.

10. Does Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose produce rose hips?

Yes, after the blooming period, Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose will produce large, attractive orange-red rose hips, which can be enjoyed into fall.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose


  • Choose a sunny location that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • Prepare the soil by incorporating compost or well-rotted manure to improve drainage and fertility.
  • Dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball of the plant.
  • Gently remove the rose plant from its nursery container, being careful not to damage the roots.
  • Place the plant in the hole and backfill with soil, firming it gently around the roots.
  • Water the plant thoroughly to settle the soil and eliminate air pockets.
  • Apply a layer of mulch around the plant to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.


  • Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during the first year after planting.
  • Water deeply and thoroughly whenever the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot.
  • Consider using a drip irrigation system to deliver water directly to the roots.


  • Feed the Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose in early spring with a balanced rose fertilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Repeat the application every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.
  • Avoid fertilizing in late summer to prevent new growth that may be damaged by winter frost.


  • Prune the rose bush in early spring before new growth emerges.
  • Remove any dead, damaged, or crossing branches.
  • Trim back the remaining branches to maintain a compact and bushy shape.
  • Regularly remove spent flowers to promote continuous blooming.

Pest and Disease Control

  • Inspect the plant regularly for common rose pests such as aphids, Japanese beetles, and spider mites.
  • Use organic or chemical insecticides if necessary to control pest infestations.
  • Keep the area around the plant clean and remove fallen leaves to prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Watch for signs of diseases like black spot, powdery mildew, and rust, and treat accordingly with appropriate fungicides.

Winter Care

  • The Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose is hardy to USDA zone 2-7.
  • In colder climates, provide a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to protect it from freezing temperatures.
  • Stop fertilizing the plant in late summer to help it enter dormancy.

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Jose B.

Gorgeous rugosa rose, vibrant color

Michelle M.

I am very happy with my purchase of the Moje Hammarberg Rugosa Rose. The plant was healthy and well-packaged upon arrival. The website was easy to navigate and the shipping was prompt. Will definitely be ordering from them again.

Nicholas G.

Top-notch quality, blossoming well

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