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Arborvitae Trees

Santa Barbara Peach

Prunus persica 'Santa Barbara'

9 reviews

Fruit Trees
Arborvitae Trees

Santa Barbara Peach

Prunus persica 'Santa Barbara'

9 reviews

Fruit Trees



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Why Santa Barbara Peach?

Santa Barbara Peach is a popular variety of peach tree known for its sweet and juicy fruit. It is a self-fertile tree, meaning it does not require a pollinator to produce fruit. It is also disease-resistant and easy to grow, making it a great choice for home gardeners. The tree typically reaches a height of 10-12 feet and produces fruit in late summer.

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Santa Barbara Peach requires full sun exposure to thrive and produce an abundant harvest.

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Santa Barbara Peach trees typically require regular watering, especially during dry periods, to maintain adequate moisture in the soil and promote healthy growth and fruit production.

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The fertilizer requirement for Santa Barbara Peach is typically determined based on soil test results and specific nutrient deficiencies. It is recommended to consult with a local agricultural expert or extension service to determine the precise fertilizer

Santa Barbara Peach Trees: A Taste of Pure Bliss & an Enchanting Addition to Your Garden

With its luscious fruit, delightful aroma, and numerous health benefits, this tree is a must-have for any fruit lover or gardening enthusiast.

The Santa Barbara Peach Tree is a sight to behold. Its graceful branches are adorned with an abundance of plump, juicy peaches that boast a beautiful blend of golden hues. Whether planted in a pot or on the ground, this tree is sure to captivate the eyes and elevate the beauty of your outdoor space.

But the benefits of the Santa Barbara Peach Tree extend far beyond its stunning appearance. Each succulent peach that dangles from its branches is a natural treasure trove of nutrition. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and dietary fiber, these peaches offer a powerful boost to your overall health and well-being.

One of the standout features of the Santa Barbara Peach is its irresistible flavor. With each juicy bite, you'll experience a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess that will leave your taste buds craving more. Whether eaten fresh, used in baked goods, or incorporated into savory dishes, the Santa Barbara Peach adds a burst of natural, mouthwatering goodness to any meal.

Growing your own Santa Barbara Peach Tree also offers a sense of pride and satisfaction. As you cultivate this tree, you become part of a process that brings forth the most delicious and nourishing fruit nature has to offer. Watching your tree flourish under your care and eventually produce an abundant harvest is a truly rewarding experience.

Additionally, having a Santa Barbara Peach Tree in your garden provides you with a convenient and accessible source of fresh, organic peaches. Say goodbye to store-bought, artificially ripened fruits and embrace the joy of plucking a perfectly ripe peach straight from your tree. Savor the unparalleled flavor and aroma that only a homegrown peach can provide.

The Santa Barbara Peach Tree offers a gateway to a world of exquisite flavor and wholesome nutrition. With its captivating beauty, delectable taste, and numerous health benefits, this tree is a must-have addition to any garden or orchard.

Order a Santa Barbara Peach Tree today and unlock the joy of growing and savoring your own juicy, delectable peaches.


Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Prunus persica 'Santa Barbara'
USDA Zones: 7-10
Water: Medium
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Needs: Well-Drained
Mature Height: 15 - 20 feet
Mature Spread: 12 - 15 feet
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Pollination Info

Pollination Info for Santa Barbara Peach (Prunus persica 'Santa Barbara')

  • Pollination type: Self-fertile, but produces better with cross-pollination
  • Bloom time: Late winter to early spring
  • Pollinator: Insects, such as bees and butterflies
  • Cross-pollination: Compatible with other peach varieties, such as August Pride, Eva's Pride, May Pride, and Redhaven
  • Spacing: Plant other peach varieties within 50-100 feet of Santa Barbara Peach for optimal pollination
  • Care: Provide plenty of sunlight, well-draining soil, and regular water to support healthy growth and pollination


FAQ for Santa Barbara Peach (Prunus persica 'Santa Barbara')

  1. What is Santa Barbara Peach?
  2. Santa Barbara Peach is a variety of Peach tree (Prunus persica) that is known for its large, juicy, and sweet fruit. It is also popular for its ornamental value due to its beautiful pink flowers that bloom in the spring.
  3. What is the size and growth habit of Santa Barbara Peach?
  4. Santa Barbara Peach is a small tree that typically grows to a height of 10-12 feet and a width of 8-10 feet. It has a rounded, spreading growth habit and is a good choice for smaller gardens.
  5. When does Santa Barbara Peach produce fruit?
  6. Santa Barbara Peach typically produces fruit in midsummer, usually around July. The fruit is large and juicy, with a sweet, rich flavor.
  7. What are the growing requirements for Santa Barbara Peach?
  8. Santa Barbara Peach thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. It is drought tolerant once established but does best with regular watering during the growing season. It also requires regular pruning to maintain its compact growth habit and to promote fruit production.
  9. What are some tips for caring for Santa Barbara Peach?
  10. Santa Barbara Peach requires regular fertilization with a balanced fertilizer, especially during the growing season. It is also important to prune the tree regularly to remove diseased or damaged branches and to promote good airflow through the tree. Additionally, it is recommended to thin the fruit on the tree to ensure that the remaining fruit is large and of high quality.
  11. Is Santa Barbara Peach self-fertile?
  12. No, Santa Barbara Peach is not self-fertile and requires a pollinator to produce fruit. Some good pollinator choices include Bonita, Early Grande, and May Grand.
  13. Is Santa Barbara Peach resistant to pests and disease?
  14. Santa Barbara Peach is generally resistant to common peach pests and diseases, but it is still important to monitor the tree for signs of trouble, including leaf curl, peach twig borer, and peach tree borer. Regular pruning and good sanitation practices can help to prevent pest and disease problems.
  15. What are some common uses for Santa Barbara Peach?
  16. Santa Barbara Peach is a popular choice for eating fresh, baking, and preserving. The fruit is also used in jams and jellies, and the tree is valued for its ornamental value due to its beautiful springtime flowers.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Santa Barbara Peach

Planting Instructions

  1. Choose a location that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.
  2. Ensure the soil is well-draining and has a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.
  3. Dig a hole that is twice as wide and deep as the root ball of the tree.
  4. Place the tree in the hole and backfill with soil, firmly pressing down to eliminate air pockets.
  5. Water the tree deeply and add a layer of mulch around the base, but not touching the trunk.

Care Instructions

  1. Water the tree deeply once a week, and more often during hot, dry weather.
  2. Fertilize the tree with a balanced fertilizer in early spring and again in late summer.
  3. Prune the tree in late winter or early spring to remove any damaged or diseased branches and to shape the tree.
  4. Thin the fruit in the spring to ensure larger, healthier peaches.
  5. Protect the tree from pests and diseases with regular inspections and treatments as necessary.


  • Santa Barbara Peaches are ready to harvest in July and August.
  • The peaches should be slightly soft to the touch and have a strong fragrance when they are ripe.
  • Twist the peach gently to remove it from the tree, or use a sharp knife to cut it away from the branch.


  • Santa Barbara Peaches can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.
  • For longer storage, they can be frozen or canned.
  • Allow the peaches to ripen fully before freezing or canning.

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Earl Q.

Peaches arrived fresh and ripe.

Miharu Y.

Fantastic customer service!

Peter H.

The quality of the Santa Barbara Peach exceeded my expectations. Very flavorful!

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