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Arborvitae Trees

Cresthaven Peach Tree

Prunus persica 'Cresthaven'

12 reviews

Fruit Trees
Arborvitae Trees

Cresthaven Peach Tree

Prunus persica 'Cresthaven'

12 reviews

Fruit Trees



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Why Cresthaven Peach Tree?

The Cresthaven Peach Tree (Prunus persica 'Cresthaven') is a popular choice among peach enthusiasts for several reasons. Firstly, it produces large, juicy peaches with a sweet and tangy flavor. Additionally, the tree is known for its excellent disease resistance, making it easier to maintain and ensure a successful harvest. Finally, the Cresthaven Peach Tree has a high yield, allowing for plentiful fruit production.

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Cresthaven Peach Trees require full sun exposure, meaning they need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily to thrive and produce healthy fruit.

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The watering requirement for Cresthaven Peach Tree is around 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) of water per week, depending on weather conditions. It is important to maintain consistent soil moisture but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

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The fertilizer requirement for Cresthaven Peach Trees typically involves the application of a balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 or 14-14-14 blend, during the early spring before the trees start to bud and again in late spring or early summer.

Cresthaven Peach Tree

The Cresthaven Peach Tree (Prunus persica 'Cresthaven') is a popular and widely grown peach tree variety known for its abundant fruit production and delicious, juicy peaches. This deciduous fruit tree is a fantastic addition to any backyard orchard or garden, providing beauty and a bountiful harvest year after year.

Key Features

  • Fruit: The Cresthaven Peach Tree produces large, yellow-fleshed peaches with a sweet, aromatic flavor. The peaches have a classic round shape and smooth skin that ripens to a beautiful blush. They are excellent for fresh eating, canning, baking, and making preserves.
  • Tree: This moderate-sized tree has a spreading growth habit and reaches a mature height of around 12-15 feet. It features attractive, glossy green foliage that provides shade during hot summer months. In late spring, the tree boasts beautiful blossoms with pinkish-white petals, adding a delightful touch to the landscape.
  • Harvest: The Cresthaven Peach Tree typically begins bearing fruit in mid to late summer, depending on the climate. It is a heavy producer, yielding plentiful crops of peaches that are ready to harvest when the fruit is fully ripe. The tree begins to bear fruit at an early age, ensuring a relatively short waiting period for your first harvest.
  • Adaptability: This peach tree variety is known for its excellent adaptability to a variety of climates, making it suitable for many regions. It is generally hardy in USDA hardiness zones 5-8. The Cresthaven Peach Tree thrives in full sun exposure and well-drained soil.
  • Low Maintenance: Once established, the Cresthaven Peach Tree requires minimal maintenance. Proper pruning during the dormant season helps maintain its shape and promote fruit production. Regular watering in the absence of rainfall and routine fertilization helps ensure optimal growth and fruit development.


The Cresthaven Peach Tree's delicious fruit can be enjoyed fresh off the tree, used in various culinary applications, or preserved for future use. Its beautiful blossoms and foliage make it an attractive ornamental addition to any garden or landscape. Planting multiple Cresthaven Peach Trees can enhance pollination and increase fruit yield.


The Cresthaven Peach Tree is a highly-regarded peach tree variety well-suited for homeowners and fruit tree enthusiasts. With its flavorful and abundant harvest, attractive blossoms, and adaptability to various climates, this tree adds both beauty and productivity to any garden or orchard.

Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Prunus persica 'Cresthaven'
USDA Zones: 5-8
Water: Medium
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Needs: Well Drained Soil
Mature Height: 12 - 18 feet
Mature Spread: 12 - 15 feet
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Pollination Info

Pollination Information for Cresthaven Peach Tree (Prunus persica 'Cresthaven')

The Cresthaven Peach Tree (Prunus persica 'Cresthaven') is a self-fertile tree, which means that it is capable of pollinating and producing fruit on its own. However, pollination by another peach tree variety can increase the size and quality of the fruit yield.

If you have other peach tree varieties in your vicinity, bees and other pollinating insects will naturally transfer pollen between the flowers of different trees, aiding in cross-pollination.

Here are a few important pollination tips for your Cresthaven Peach Tree:

  • Planting Multiple Varieties: To ensure optimal fruit production, it is advisable to plant multiple peach tree varieties in your garden or orchard. This will increase the chances of cross-pollination and enhance the final crop.
  • Pollination Compatibility: When selecting additional peach tree varieties for cross-pollination, make sure they are compatible with Cresthaven Peach Tree. Some compatible varieties include Elberta, Hale Haven, Redhaven, and Sunhaven peach trees.
  • Proximity: Plant the different varieties of peach trees within a suitable proximity to facilitate the transfer of pollen between the trees. Ideally, they should be within a 50-100 feet radius.
  • Pollination Time: Peach trees bloom during the spring season. Ensure that the flowering period of compatible varieties overlaps with Cresthaven Peach Tree for successful cross-pollination. Consult local horticultural resources or experts for the best timing in your specific region.
  • Pollinator Attraction: Create an environment that attracts bees and other pollinators to your garden. This can be achieved by planting flowers that produce nectar and pollen, such as lavender, marigold, and sunflowers, nearby your peach trees.
  • Pest Control: Regularly monitor and control pests, as they can disrupt the pollination process. Insects like aphids and mites can damage the flowers and hinder the transfer of pollen.

Following these pollination guidelines and ensuring optimal growing conditions will help maximize the fruit production of your Cresthaven Peach Tree.


Cresthaven Peach Tree (Prunus persica 'Cresthaven') FAQs

General Information

What is the botanical name of Cresthaven Peach Tree?

The botanical name of Cresthaven Peach Tree is Prunus persica 'Cresthaven'.

What is the origin of Cresthaven Peach Tree?

Cresthaven Peach Tree was developed in Maryland, United States in the early 1900s.

What is the mature height and width of Cresthaven Peach Tree?

Cresthaven Peach Tree can grow up to 15-20 feet in height and 10-15 feet in width.

What is the fruiting season for Cresthaven Peach Tree?

The fruiting season for Cresthaven Peach Tree generally falls between July and August.

Planting and Care

How should I plant Cresthaven Peach Tree?

Plant Cresthaven Peach Tree in a location that receives full sun and has well-draining soil. Dig a hole that is as deep as the root ball and twice as wide. Place the tree in the hole and backfill with soil, gently firming it around the roots. Water thoroughly after planting.

What is the recommended spacing between Cresthaven Peach Trees when planting?

It is recommended to space Cresthaven Peach Trees approximately 15-20 feet apart to allow for proper growth and air circulation.

How often should I water Cresthaven Peach Tree?

During the first year, water Cresthaven Peach Tree deeply every week. Once established, water regularly during dry periods, providing approximately 1 inch of water per week.

Does Cresthaven Peach Tree require winter protection?

Cresthaven Peach Tree is hardy in USDA zones 5-9 and can withstand cold temperatures. However, if you live in an area with harsh winters, providing some winter protection like wrapping the trunk with burlap can be beneficial.

Maintenance and Pruning

When should I fertilize Cresthaven Peach Tree?

Fertilize Cresthaven Peach Tree in early spring before new growth begins. Use a balanced fertilizer specially formulated for fruit trees, following the package instructions.

How should I prune Cresthaven Peach Tree?

Prune Cresthaven Peach Tree during late winter or early spring before bud break. Remove any dead, diseased, or crossing branches. Maintain an open center shape to allow sunlight to reach all parts of the tree.

How do I prevent pests and diseases in Cresthaven Peach Tree?

Regularly inspect your Cresthaven Peach Tree for signs of pests, such as aphids or peach borers. Apply appropriate insecticides or pesticides as necessary. To prevent diseases like peach leaf curl, spray a copper fungicide during the dormant season.

How long does it take for Cresthaven Peach Tree to bear fruit?

Cresthaven Peach Tree typically takes about 2-4 years to bear fruit after planting.

Harvesting and Storage

When is the right time to harvest peaches from Cresthaven Peach Tree?

Peaches are ready to harvest from Cresthaven Peach Tree when they are fully colored, slightly soft to touch, and easily detach from the tree when gently twisted. Taste a sample peach to ensure it is sweet and juicy.

How should I store harvested peaches from Cresthaven Peach Tree?

Harvested peaches can be stored at room temperature for a few days to ripen fully. Once ripe, store them in the refrigerator to prolong their shelf life.

What is the typical shelf life of peaches from Cresthaven Peach Tree?

Peaches from Cresthaven Peach Tree can typically last for about 5-7 days when stored in the refrigerator.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Cresthaven Peach Tree

  • Botanical Name: Prunus persica 'Cresthaven'
  • Family: Rosaceae


Follow these steps to plant the Cresthaven Peach Tree:

  1. Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.
  2. Dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the rootball of the tree.
  3. Remove the tree from its container and gently loosen the roots.
  4. Place the tree in the hole, ensuring that the bud union (swollen area above the roots) is above the soil level.
  5. Backfill the hole with a mixture of soil and organic compost.
  6. Water the tree thoroughly after planting.
  7. Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to conserve moisture and control weeds.


Here are some care guidelines to help your Cresthaven Peach Tree thrive:

  • Watering: Provide regular deep watering, especially during dry spells. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.
  • Fertilization: Feed the tree with a balanced fruit tree fertilizer in early spring and midsummer, following the package instructions.
  • Pruning: Prune the tree in late winter or early spring to remove dead, damaged, or crossing branches. This promotes good air circulation and fruit production.
  • Pest and Disease Control: Monitor the tree regularly for common peach tree pests such as aphids, peach tree borers, and mites. Treat any infestations or diseases promptly with appropriate organic or chemical controls.
  • Thinning: Thin out excess fruit when the peaches are small to allow the remaining fruits to grow larger and reduce the risk of branch breakage.
  • Harvesting: Harvest the peaches when they are fully ripe and have a slight give when gently squeezed. Enjoy fresh or use them for cooking, baking, or canning.

By following these planting and care guidelines, your Cresthaven Peach Tree will provide you with delicious fruit for many years to come.

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The Cresthaven Peach Tree arrived in perfect condition. It looks healthy and vibrant.

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