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Transform Your Yard: Begin Your Ultimate Makeover Today!
Join over 100,000 happy homeowners that have used ShrubHub to design their outdoor space.
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Work directly with an experienced designer to customize your yard design.
Your dedicated expert will guide you step-by-step to ensure the perfect outdoor transformation.
Schedule a Call with Our Experts
You can start transforming your front, back or both yards right away. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Talk to Our Design Experts
Our design experts will remotely create a hardscape and landscape design with plants & materials that fit your climate zone.
Receive Your Design in 14 to 21 Days
And also a detailed project legend which includes the plants, materials and containers used in your design.
Bring Your Dream Yard to Life
You can have all the plants & materials on your custom design delivered to your home or we can connect you to a contractor to give you a free quote.

ShrubHub Customer Transformations

These amazing results started with a quick phone consultation. Book yours today!

From Dreams to Reality: Customer Success Stories

Real Shrubhub project’s
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Why ShrubHub Is the Smart Choice for Your Yard Design
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Licensed Contractors
Nationwide Designs
Plant Consultation
Patented Technology
$297 - $997
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How It Works
See Why ShrubHub Customers Love Our Design Service
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Select Your Project Area
Our flexible packages make it easy and affordable to create the outdoor space you’ve always wanted.
Front Yard Design

$594 $297 Save 50%

1,017 Reviews
Your Package Includes:

3D Landscape & Hardscape Hardscape Design Based on Your Preferred Style
Design Phone Consultation with an Experienced Design Consultant
Product Legend & Shopping List with all Design Elements & Door-to-Door Shipping
Plant Expert Consultation to inform you about plant selections
Contractor Installation Quote from Your Area's Best Contractors
Bonus eBook: Designer Secrets to Maximize Your Home Value
View Sample Project
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100% No-Risk - 30 Day Money Back Gurantee
Back Yard Design

$674 $337 Save 50%

1,125 Reviews
Your Package Includes:

3D Landscape & Hardscape Hardscape Design Based on Your Preferred Style
Design Phone Consultation with an Experienced Design Consultant
Product Legend & Shopping List with all Design Elements & Door-to-Door Shipping
Plant Expert Consultation to inform you about plant selections
Contractor Installation Quote from Your Area's Best Contractors
Bonus eBook: Designer Secrets to Maximize Your Home Value
View Sample Project
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100% No-Risk - 30 Day Money Back Gurantee
Both Yard Design
(Front & Back Yard)

$794 $397 Save 50%

2,107 Reviews
Your Package Includes:

3D Landscape & Hardscape Hardscape Design Based on Your Preferred Style
Design Phone Consultation with an Experienced Design Consultant
Product Legend & Shopping List with all Design Elements & Door-to-Door Shipping
Plant Expert Consultation to inform you about plant selections
Contractor Installation Quote from Your Area's Best Contractors
Bonus eBook: Designer Secrets to Maximize Your Home Value
View Sample Project
Select Package
100% No-Risk - 30 Day Money Back Gurantee
Premium Yard Design
All inclusive (Front & Back Yard)

$1,994 $997 Save 50%

1,512 Reviews
Everything from the Both Yard Design package ($794) plus:

Your Package Includes:

30 Day Design Revisions
6 Months of email & chat support
30 Hours of high resolution designs
2D Aerial Satellite Design
Exclusive Access & Discounts to Plants & Accessories
All inclusive
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100% No-Risk - 30 Day Money Back Gurantee
Act Fast! Reserve Your Designer Now

Where Should We Send Your Design?


Get Your Personal Designer

Rated 4.8 by 5000+ Homeowners
is Scheduled to call you


Lilly is one of our top experts and has helped over 3163 homeowners transform their yards. Don't miss your chance to work with one of our best!

What to expect on your call?

  • Discuss your dream yard
  • Go over your property concerns
  • Find the best solution for your project
  • Provide a guide on how to increase your home value with lanscaping (Valued $400)

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

The ShrubHub landscaping design package is a comprehensive solution to transform your yard. It includes:
3D Landscape & Hardscape Hardscape Design Based on Your Preferred Style
Design Phone Consultation with an Experienced Design Consultant
Product Legend & Shopping List with all Design Elements & Door-to-Door Shipping
Plant Expert Consultation to inform you about plant selections
Contractor Installation Quote from Your Area's Best Contractors
Bonus eBook: Designer Secrets to Maximize Your Home Value
4 simple steps:

1. Select Your Design Package / Free Consultation call
Get started by signing up at no risk.
You can start transforming your front, back or both yards. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

2. Talk to Our Design Expert’s
Our design experts will remotely create a hardscape and landscape design with plants & materials that fit your climate zone.

3. 3. Receive Your Design in 14 to 21 Days
And also a detailed project legend which includes the plants and materials used in your design.

4. Bring Your Dream Yard to Life
You can have all the plants & materials on your custom design delivered to your home or we can connect you to a contractor to give you a free quote.

Package pricing begins at $297 and may vary depending on the size and scope of your yard project.
Your satisfaction is our priority. ShrubHub provides a 30-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you're not happy with your landscape design package, we'll make it right.
Our promise is to deliver your complete landscaping design package between 14 to 21 days. This commitment ensures that you can start transforming your yard without unnecessary delays.
Yes, you can! With the included shopping list, you can purchase all the necessary items at the lowest available prices. We offer the convenience of having these elements shipped straight to your doorstep, removing the hassle of visiting multiple stores.
Once we complete your design we refer you to the top contractor in your area for a free quote.
Yes. We design everything on the outside of your property.
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Check Out These Verified Customer Reviews:

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Caitlyn P.Orlando, Florida

The pictures speak for themselves. This landscaping service is unreal. My husband and I saved thousands, getting these designs first, talking with our designer, and basically creating our ideal yard. From then, we used the money we saved on the designs for the installation and hardscaping (and we still had money left over to start saving up for a pool!)

Lina V.Montclair, CA

Last month, I had ShrubHub design a new front and backyard. In the front yard we put in artificial grass and planters. My designer Ethan suggested we put in pavers instead of concrete. We went with the pavers and it came out great! The whole team was great, answered all the questions that I had.

Alex P.Houston, TX

My wife and I had no idea on how we wanted to improve the look and feel of our front yard. So we signed up with ShubHub to get some design ideas. The price was so low compared to others we that we figured we had nothing to lose. They sent us some amazing 3D renderings that gave us so many creative ideas. We gave these designs to our gardener and two weeks later we had a breath taking front yard that even our neighbors love.

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